You have just entered room "Chat 2072250144000716322."
Sabin Duvert has entered the room.
Samantha Blaire: ((so how to begin?))
Sabin Duvert: *It's about midday about a day after he has come back from the defeat of Arkoth. Mordath was exhausted from the struggle and rested most of the rest of the next day
Sabin Duvert: *Finally, he gets up - thoughts of PurrPurr and Raeith turning in his head - what happened, the book, the pasts.... David bonded the books back to Purr and he.... but with him the memories remained sealed*
Sabin Duvert: *Quickly, he headed out, straight to Kamikis*
Sabin Duvert: *straightening his clothes and fluffing his wings, he took a breath nervously and finally knocked on the door*
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki answers and smiles to Mordath* Hello!
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath smiled pleasantly to Kamiki - and she would notice the shadowy wolf by his side, placidly*
Sabin Duvert: Hello Miss Kamiki...
Sabin Duvert: Is... PurrPurr feeling any better?
Samantha Blaire: Yes... very much so, would you like to see her? She's in her room...'
Sabin Duvert: *nods* Yes... I would, please
Sabin Duvert: *he steps through the threshold, looking about.
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki looks hesitantly at the shadow-wolf, but motions down the hall, towards Purrpurr's room*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath and Tslanak follow her quietly, Mordath glancing around the household*(
Sabin Duvert: *gently, Mordath knocks on Purr's door* Purr....?
Sabin Duvert: It's Mordath...
Samantha Blaire: Just knock and go in.. do yuo want me to get you any snacks?
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath smiles and shakes his head* No... it's alright, but thank you...
Sabin Duvert: *he gently turns the handle and peeks in*
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr drops the paper in her hand and quickly goes to the door, wiping away the tears on her face as she does so*
Sabin Duvert: *he blinks in surprise* Purrpurr...?
Sabin Duvert: What's wrong...?
Samantha Blaire: *she forces a smile as she opens the door* Hey, Mordath!
Samantha Blaire: What are you doing here.?
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles, with a shrug* I rested most of yesterday.... I... hadn't seen you since you were better...
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr smiles and motions into her room*
Sabin Duvert: *he steps in, Tslanak quietly on his heels*
Samantha Blaire: *she sighs and sits on the bed, sliding Morion's letter under her pillow*
Sabin Duvert: *he looks quickly to it, an asking look but does not say anything. He pulls up a chair, turns it around and sits in it backwards*
Sabin Duvert: That was certainly.... a strange situation.... I.. am glad it is over... we are lucky our guardians care enough about us to break Arkoth's spell...
Samantha Blaire: Or eat him *she says with a hint of a smile*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath looks surprised at her light way of putting it for a moment, but then chuckles quietly*
Sabin Duvert: admittedly... had I been in my right mind enough at the end, I would have, given the opportunity, done something quite abominable to him
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr scratches the back of her head and nods(
Sabin Duvert: So.... the broken pieces of our souls have been returned now....
Samantha Blaire: Kind of hard to let it all sink in, eh?
Sabin Duvert: *nods*
Sabin Duvert: It is
Sabin Duvert: fortunately... it should not be able to happen again.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath is quiet for a moment* The book to me... it appears to now be a sort of spellbook.... but... I think there might be more there....
Sabin Duvert: the way it's designed... the number of pages does not limit the content
Samantha Blaire: *Purr cocks her head, listening*
Sabin Duvert: like a date.... and then the shadows try to form... and then seep away...
Sabin Duvert: *he pauses*
Sabin Duvert: it seems to be.... locked... after a fashion...
Sabin Duvert: not unlike my own memories *Mordath glowers at the floor*
Samantha Blaire: My book is a diary...
Samantha Blaire: maybe yours was one, too..
Sabin Duvert: *he looks to her* It... would not surprise me...
Samantha Blaire: maybe there is a trick to seeing the entries
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath shrugs*
Sabin Duvert: I... but I can feel it inside me... like a barrier...
Sabin Duvert: They're there... I can feel them... deep down... taunting me..
Sabin Duvert: but the most I've been able to dredge out is knowledge of -things- like spells...
Sabin Duvert: no actual memories
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr blushes alittle, diverts her eyes to her hands*
Sabin Duvert: I....
Sabin Duvert: did anything come back to you in the ritual?
Sabin Duvert: I... I could feel things coming back...
Sabin Duvert: but I didn't... you know... remember anything...
Sabin Duvert: like they were being whisked away before I could
Samantha Blaire: yes..
Sabin Duvert: *he looks to her seriously*
Samantha Blaire: I remember...almost everything
Sabin Duvert: So... you remember then....?
Sabin Duvert: You remember being Titania?
Samantha Blaire: *nods*
Samantha Blaire: Its far away...
Sabin Duvert: *shakes his head* That, to me, is an amazing concept
Samantha Blaire: but yeah...
Samantha Blaire: I can remember..
Samantha Blaire: *she smiles slightly*
Sabin Duvert: are you her? You know...? *he puts a hand on his chest* Here?
Sabin Duvert: or are you..."PurrPurr"?
Samantha Blaire: I ... I don't know. I mean, I think maybe alittle of both
Samantha Blaire: I remember things...but I'm still me
Sabin Duvert: *nods*
Samantha Blaire: I remember being...a queen.. but I don't feel like one now
Sabin Duvert: *nods*
Sabin Duvert: *he rests his chin on the back of the chair*
Sabin Duvert: What.... do you remember of me....? *his eyes are needy, desperate*
Sabin Duvert: YOu knew me... as Lanuccus...
Sabin Duvert: I know that we....
Sabin Duvert: *he flushes a bit*
Sabin Duvert: had a relationship.... behind Oberon's back...
Sabin Duvert: but these things... I only know what I've gleaned from speaking with you during the "spells" you were having
Samantha Blaire: *purrpurr's blush darkens and she nods*
Samantha Blaire: I remember alot about you
Sabin Duvert: *he chews on his lip*
Sabin Duvert: *he glances up quickly* do you?
Samantha Blaire: *nod*
Samantha Blaire: It was... it is some of the clearest memories..
Samantha Blaire: and strongest... feelings..
Sabin Duvert: *he lifts his eyebrows* realy... perhaps because I strongest feelings...? *he trails off meekly*
Sabin Duvert: In all of Titania's long reign? *he looks a bit disconcerted - not expecting this*
Samantha Blaire: It was... important to her I suppose
Sabin Duvert: I see
Samantha Blaire: We were in love...
Samantha Blaire: *blush*
Sabin Duvert: *he swallows*
Sabin Duvert:
Sabin Duvert: Not... just an affair then....?
Samantha Blaire: *pointedly avioding eye-contact*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath is looking increasingly uncomfortable... but pushes himself - he needs to know*
Samantha Blaire: No..
Samantha Blaire: definately not...just that..
Sabin Duvert: I.... see...
Sabin Duvert: *fidget, and thoughts of Purr and Morion... of his irritation at relationships, of abandonment as others pair off*
Sabin Duvert: *clears his throuat*
Samantha Blaire: *she sighs*
Samantha Blaire: Anyway... you were... similar
Sabin Duvert: Similar?
Sabin Duvert: how?
Samantha Blaire: *she smiles, remembering* You look alike. Not exactly... almost like father and son..
Samantha Blaire: very handsome...
Samantha Blaire: charismatic... and almost dangerous..
Samantha Blaire: but in the sexy way...
Samantha Blaire: *she swallowed and risked a look at Mordath*
Sabin Duvert: ((one sec - sorry))
Sabin Duvert: *mordath nods slowly, feeling a bit flattered and a bit uncomfortable at being referred to as "sexy"*
Sabin Duvert: I see...
Sabin Duvert: and who was I...? A mage of some sort... I would assume...
Samantha Blaire: yes.. a Lord
Sabin Duvert: and you called me Lord...
Samantha Blaire: an unselie nobleman..
Sabin Duvert: *he nods, it makes sense, but he feels a bit disappointed... compared to this, Titania, a Queen, dragonkin, angels and demons...*
Samantha Blaire: Ya know... *she scratches her arm* maybe... maybe there's a reason you're not susposed to remember...
Sabin Duvert: *mordath's expression darkens a bit*
Sabin Duvert: Someone sealed the memories from me.
Sabin Duvert: That has to be the case...
Sabin Duvert: someone didn't want me to know something.
Samantha Blaire: maybe.... you didn't want to remember...
Sabin Duvert: *he frowns*
Sabin Duvert: that is my decision.
Sabin Duvert: I wish to remember.
Sabin Duvert: Regardless,,,, it's in the past
Sabin Duvert: I want to know
Samantha Blaire: ((grr, one sec))
Samantha Blaire: ((one sec))
Sabin Duvert: ((hai))
Sabin Duvert: ((what's up?))
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr shrugs* You're right...its in the past.. . .
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath nods* We should be impartial enough to know the past... esepecially if I have no memories of my own tying me to the situation...
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr nods slowly, tho you can't tell if she seems dissapointed or relieved*
Samantha Blaire: The feeling... at least... the memory of the feelings are still there..
Sabin Duvert: So I was an unseelie lord... who had relations with you...
Sabin Duvert: er.... Titania...
Samantha Blaire: They can be painful.. *her hands inadvertandly go to her chest*
Sabin Duvert: *he nods slowly* I am sure...
Sabin Duvert: Given... raeith's reaction to me at Arkoths.... it sounds like my past may not have been the most pleasant... -.-
Samantha Blaire: It was all... with good intions..
Sabin Duvert: *he actually look up at this, mildly surprised*
Samantha Blaire: *bites her lip, not really wanting that to slip*
Sabin Duvert: Go on...
Samantha Blaire: I mean... at least... not eveil intentions..
Sabin Duvert: *quirks an eyebrow*
Samantha Blaire: *sighs* The Unselie and Selie courts were feudal
Sabin Duvert: *he nods*
Samantha Blaire: But the unselie was far less structured. It wasn't really a court so much as a confederations of smaller nations... rules over by a handful of Lords
Samantha Blaire: The Selie was more organized. Ruled over ultimately by a king- Oberon
Sabin Duvert: aahhh.... i understand...
Sabin Duvert: *nods, listening*
Samantha Blaire: Less squabbles over land and such... while the Selie court had much dicourse with the Unselie...
Samantha Blaire: the unselie had plenty of their own problems between each other as well..
Samantha Blaire: You, you were one of the Lords. You had a larger landholding than most..
Samantha Blaire: You had this... plan.. to unite the Unselie ..
Sabin Duvert: *smiles at this*
Sabin Duvert: really?
Samantha Blaire: to finally make them one kingdom..
Sabin Duvert: wow...
Sabin Duvert: *he seems inpressed by this idea, as if a new idea, a goal... a drive*
Samantha Blaire: *nods* It was a very good one, too
Samantha Blaire: You had a spell you wrote- or found- I'm not sure... that would almost garauntee success...
Sabin Duvert: *his eyebrows lift*
Sabin Duvert: really...?
Sabin Duvert: *he hesitates, thinking of what he knows*
Sabin Duvert: but...
Sabin Duvert: it couldn't have worked..
Sabin Duvert: not with the history I've read...
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr shakes her head*
You have just entered room "Chat 2072250144000716322."
Samantha Blaire: ((*pokes her AIM o_O * ))
Samantha Blaire: It failed... miserably
Samantha Blaire: and you got into some trouble...
Sabin Duvert: ((weirdnesses))
Sabin Duvert: *swallows*
Sabin Duvert: how did it fail?
Samantha Blaire: One of the components needed for the spell of a magical animal
Samantha Blaire: A unicorn, or something like it... it wasn't fae...
Samantha Blaire: It wasn't susposed to kill her...
Samantha Blaire: but the spell did...
Samantha Blaire: and still failed..
Sabin Duvert: *his brows furrow*
Sabin Duvert: Ouch.....
Samantha Blaire: yeah... and it was very... visable, I guess
Samantha Blaire: ((phone, one sec))
Sabin Duvert: ((k))
Samantha Blaire: It was messy, and very public...
Sabin Duvert: \*winces8
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr looks very uncomfortable and just shrugs*
Sabin Duvert: .... what happened then...?
Samantha Blaire: You were arrested
You have just entered room "Chat 2072250144000716322."
Sabin Duvert: ((wb))
Sabin Duvert: Arrested.....
Sabin Duvert: for.... killing the creature...? Conspiracy?
Samantha Blaire: I think because at first it wasn't very obvious what you were doing
Sabin Duvert: aah
Samantha Blaire: I don't think they knew what was happening.
Samantha Blaire: Especially since all they knew is that an unselie lord made quite a commotion and quite a mess...obviously in some big spell
Sabin Duvert: *there's a small ironic smile on his mouth, and he nods*
Samantha Blaire: *she shrugs* and thats all I remember
Sabin Duvert: what happened after that...?
Samantha Blaire: I dont know..
Sabin Duvert: *quirks an eyebrow and looks at her closer*
Samantha Blaire: *shifts, and aviods his eyes*
Sabin Duvert: So I was arrested....
Sabin Duvert: why are you so nervous if you do not remember... *his voice takes a slightly harder tone*
Sabin Duvert: this is the past *he says dismissively* If we do not know of the past - then it is for naught... and we cannot even learn from it.
Samantha Blaire: I don't know what happened to you.
Samantha Blaire: I was murdered before you were released.
Sabin Duvert: *he pauses*
Sabin Duvert: you were killed then?
Samantha Blaire: *she quickly swats at her eyes*
Samantha Blaire: *small nod*
Sabin Duvert: how?
Samantha Blaire: *sigh*
Samantha Blaire: I was killed. ...
Samantha Blaire: .. by you.
Sabin Duvert: . . . .
Sabin Duvert: wh... what?
Sabin Duvert: but...
Sabin Duvert: I don't understand..