Samantha Blaire: ((What was the last line?))
Sabin Duvert: SabinDuvert: what's this?
SabinDuvert: *blinks*
SabinDuvert: r... Raeith..?
SabinDuvert: *a whisper*
*** Samantha Blaire has left th
Sabin Duvert: *mordath thinks about this*
Sabin Duvert: I... need to speak with her as well...
Samantha Blaire: I know Morion has a lot on his mind..
Sabin Duvert: she apologized for her reaction at Arkoth's... but I need to know what she knows as well...
Samantha Blaire: but I wanted to share that with him, ya know?
Samantha Blaire: I thougt thats what relationships were for...
Sabin Duvert: *nods*
Sabin Duvert: I... know little of relationships... *he says quietly*
Sabin Duvert: and the more I hear of them,... it sounds like the more troublesome... *and more quietly* and deadly... they can be...
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr hiccups back a sob, looking alittle embarassed, but very hurt&
Sabin Duvert: *looks uncomfortable again*
Sabin Duvert: I.... *he sighs*
Sabin Duvert: *he feels uncomfortable - he doesn't like that feeling - not knowing what to say or do - somehow having made things worse .... again... it seems to be a common theme with him and PurrPurr*
Sabin Duvert: *he stands up quickly, shoving his hands to his pockets and looking around*
Sabin Duvert: I...
Sabin Duvert: I should probably leave...
Samantha Blaire: No!
Sabin Duvert: *he looks back quickly*
Samantha Blaire: *she blinks*
Samantha Blaire: I mean.. you don't have to..
Sabin Duvert: *he frowns*
Sabin Duvert: *he sighs*
Sabin Duvert: I need to think about things.
Sabin Duvert: and I want to talk to Raeith... see if she knows anything...
Sabin Duvert: maybe I can find MOrion while I'm at it...
Samantha Blaire: I see...
Sabin Duvert: I promised Astaroth that I would help him with his quest...
Sabin Duvert: as he helped us...
Sabin Duvert: I know he is leaving soon...
Samantha Blaire: *purrpurr nods, but looks dissapointed in him making excuses to leave*
Samantha Blaire: Oh, well.. good luck I suppose..
Sabin Duvert: *he nods slowly*
Samantha Blaire: *she stands and walks over to him*
Samantha Blaire: Be sure you're back by Prom *smile*
Sabin Duvert: *he looks up to her*
Sabin Duvert: Yes... I shall
Samantha Blaire: *she nods, forcing a smile* Tell Arkoth thanks for me, too..
Sabin Duvert: ((Astaroth? ^_~ ))
Sabin Duvert: *he nods slowly* I shall.
Samantha Blaire: ((ooops ^^ ))
Sabin Duvert: ((it's contagious - I started it ^_~ ))
Sabin Duvert: ((Even kali has done it ^~ ))
Sabin Duvert: Take care....
Sabin Duvert: get some rest...
Sabin Duvert: and... *he shrugs* Go... see people....
Sabin Duvert: I think it would help you
Sabin Duvert: It's not like you to be cooped up alone.
Samantha Blaire: *she nods*
Sabin Duvert: *he gives her a small smile*
Samantha Blaire: *she smiles back and holds out her arms alittle*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath pauses for a moment, blinking stupidly, and then slowly goes to the hug, feeling really awkward, but not saying anything*
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr leans into him, the painful memories dancing around in her mind from talking about them openly for the first time*
Samantha Blaire: *she seems to melt into his arms, buring her face in his shoulder*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath stiffens, not sure what to do - and a definate uncomfortable feeling coming over him - feeling awkward and stiff, but mechanically patts her a few times on the back*
Samantha Blaire: *the letter from Morion falls softly out her hands, onto the floor and she suddenly remembers how lonely she feels... *
Sabin Duvert: *he swallows*
Samantha Blaire: *she looks up into his eyes, the tears she had cried making her eyes look very large and sparkly*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath stares into them for a moment, looking a bit like a fish for a second*
Sabin Duvert: *then shakes his head quickly*
Sabin Duvert: I... I need to be going *emotions starting to tumble about inside - an almost feeling of recognition - a connection - met almost equally with rejection of the idea - of the feeling - a wrongness deeply seated*
Samantha Blaire: *she leans up on the balls of her feet quickly, giving a small kiss on his lips*
Sabin Duvert: *almost a protective counter inside - regardless, his heart is beating quickly, and he pulls himself back, confused and a bit scared*
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr blinks a few times, her face deepening to a very very dark color*
Samantha Blaire: I'm sorry- *she stutters out*
Sabin Duvert: *his hand goes to where the kiss was planted and he looks after her silently for a moment, tensions feeling to build... confused, scared, rejecting... wanting*
Sabin Duvert: *he shakes his head quickly* It's just... I... I need to go....
Samantha Blaire: *she takes a shuddering breath and nods* careful..
Sabin Duvert: I will
Sabin Duvert: I ... will see you later!
Samantha Blaire: ...bye...
Sabin Duvert: *and with that he heads off... quickly*
Sabin Duvert: ((Interesitng :D ))
Samantha Blaire: *as soon as he leaves Purr slaps her forehead and collaspes heavily onto her bed*
Sabin Duvert: ((can you post it ^_^ ? ))
Samantha Blaire: ((yes ^^ ))