You have just entered room "The Arkoth Battle."
Samantha Blaire: ((yoh!))
Kalindaralaea: hey ^_^
Sabin Duvert: ((Hiya ^__^))
Sabin Duvert
: *Looks about* Hrmm.... and now David is still not here... >>
Sabin Duvert
: ((He mentioned that Flarie was dragging him off to RP tonight but that he should be back in time... >.>))
: ((He might not be. he IS stayign at Flarie's, and his internet has been .. so so at best))
RunicMouse: ((... apparently not?))
Kalindaralaea: And Silver just grew up...
RunicMouse: ((I so have dibs on Roth as a teen. I will trample rae for him)
Sabin Duvert: ((hrmm))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Oh - I didn't know he did! *goes to see*))
: Roth: *edges away from Mouse*
Samantha Blaire: ((So should we start w/o..? ))
Sabin Duvert: ((Hrmm...))
Sabin Duvert
: ((We could assume he's being quiet I guess.... :/ - I hope he comes back.. some of his abilities will be useful/necessary >.> ))
: Not up to me ^^ Whatever you guys want.
RunicMouse: zi'm ambivalent
RunicMouse: i have harvest moon an cookies. life is good
Kalindaralaea: suddenly hungry now...
Sabin Duvert: Mmm... yummy
Samantha Blaire
: ((*ish hungry to*))
Samantha Blaire: (( I don't care if this is skimmed. I just want it over.))
Sabin Duvert: ((Alrightie... I guess let's go ahead and get started... ~ We'll assume david is quiet/broody))
: kk
Samantha Blaire: ((one sec, Sabin's on the phone))
Kalindaralaea: no worries ^^
Sabin Duvert: *Where last we left off, Mordath had set off directly towards the small door in the apartment complex*
: ((*plays appropriate music*))
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr pushes her way up front, right behind Mordath*
Sabin Duvert: *the whole complex is old, and poorly maintained - though in this part of the city that is nothing different - plaster is peeling off the walls - there are shingles missing from the roof, and the whole area has a strange smell to it
: Astaroth covers his nose and glances around in disdain. "He doesn't take care of the place, does he?"
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki looks around cautiously, trying to grab at Purr and keep her mind but she shrugs her off*
Samantha Blaire: *she steps up, squeezing right next to Mordath, huffily*
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin keeps quickly after Mordath, getting a distinct feeling of unease about this whole thing - about like none of them have nearly enough control over the situation*
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath doesn't even seem to regard Kamiki as she pushes her way close to him, instead, heading up the old steps to the door in the back, and turning the handle before anyone can say anything*
: ((8switches that to PurrPurr * ;D))
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth winces as Mordath charges ahead so blindly but keeps close. Narrowing his eyes as the door is opened, he gets ready to summon Hellfire if needed, keeping an eye on Purr-Purr (slightly surprised to see her so healthy).
Sabin Duvert: *inside the door appears to be a small room - there's a lab table and a few miscellaneous objects scattered about it and the accompanying shelves. Glass bottles, strange smelling canisters, old, dead things shriveled >
Sabin Duvert
: beyond recognition*
: ((damn, he shoulda thrown out that mayo... *bricked*))
Sabin Duvert: *but as they get closer to the door -there is almost a palpable tingle that passes over them.... not harming, but more like you all get the distinct feeling that your presence is well known*
Samantha Blaire
: *unthinking, Purrpurr grabs Mordath as the tingle passes through her*
Kalindaralaea: Shuddering, Astaroth's paranoia jumped up a level as he got the feeling someone knew exactly where they were.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath does not shake her hand loose as the tingle passes over them, but continues walking inside*
Sabin Duvert
: *Not that they have much to compare it to - but the shiver seems to be stronger for the adults in the group*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki instinctly holds her midsection, a worried look passing over her*
Samantha Blaire: *she looks to Sabin, as if to see if he felt it, too*
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin looks disconcerted as well, the shadows drawing closer to him as he steps through quickly after Mordath, the shadows around that room as well seeming to crawl about the walls as he looks around warily*
Sabin Duvert
: *The smell seems to be smaller in this room - and there is no sign of life directly within - there are however two doors - simple wooden doors - this place does not seem to be one that you would imagine a wizard of Arkoth's repute*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin gets closer to Mordath* Mordath... do you remember anything about this place...? *he speaks in a hushed tone - but even his whisper seems to reverberate around this place*
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath turns to Sabin with a blank expression on his red eyes... he had come through the door - what he was to do.... his mind was searching for what he was supposed to do now... it was all so faint..*
: Astaroth glances from one door to the other. "Anyone know which way?" Idly he wonders if Arkoth hasn't moved on...
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath seems blank for a long moment, then something seems to click.*
Sabin Duvert
: *in a strangely hollow whisper he looks up to the group with a tilted head, a strange look in his red eyes - halfway between drugged and feral*
Sabin Duvert
: you should leave now...
: Astaroth scowls and stares at Mordath. There was something weird going on... "No," he answered bluntly.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath lifts an eyebrow carefully* I can... handle it from here... *he glances to the side* Titania and I
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrpurr looks at Mordath, but not surprised. Her lids look heavy, but she nods and agrees with him*
Samantha Blaire: Yeah, we got it.
Kalindaralaea: At hearing those set of names again, Astaroth growls softly. Managing to hold onto his temper, he says, "We're not having this argument again, Mordath. I will help with Arkoth and then you will go to Hell. It's been settled."
Kalindaralaea: ((wonders how Lanuccus will take that XD ))
Samantha Blaire: ((Phone call again -.-))
Sabin Duvert: ((rar - phone))
: ((no worries ^^ ))
RunicMouse: ((yay go to hell XD))
RunicMouse: ((8scratches bugbite liek a maniac*))
Sabin Duvert: ((lol))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Sorry - tis Kamiki's mom >.> ))
: ((no worries ^^ ))
RunicMouse: ((*hums ot her mp3 player*))
RunicMouse: ((8applies benadryl* @_@ oooooh yeah))
Sabin Duvert: ((that works ^^))
Samantha Blaire
: ((sorry ^^ ))
Kalindaralaea: ((No worries Kami. My mother's like that too ))
Sabin Duvert: ((lol))
Samantha Blaire
: We don't need your help, Roth
Samantha Blaire: ((Well, its rare tat we talk and she's nice to me -.- so I take when I can))
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath looks sternly to Astaroth* You have helped enough - it is our duty from here.
: ((Glad you had a nice talk then, Kami ^^ ))
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth raises an eyebrow. "Anyone who refers to her," he pointed to
Kalindaralaea: Purr, " as Titania is not my ally. And I don't take orders from anyone. I'm here because I want to be."
Samantha Blaire: *Purr huffs and crosses her arms defensively*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath's eyes narrow dangerously* You shall leave when I tell you to. You do not wish to be here any longer
: ((*brick to Mordath's head.* *inno*))
Sabin Duvert: Mordath! *Sabin speaks up now, appraching closer, looking suspicious, and then speaks very evenly* You... know we are here to help you...
Sabin Duvert
: Mordath....
: Astaroth walks closer to Mordath, trying to get a good look at the teen's eyes. "I think I know what I want. I'm beginning to wonder if you do, though..."
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath turns slowly to Sabin* You shall leave as well - you are not wanted here.
Samantha Blaire
: Whats THAT susposed to mean?
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath glances to Purrpurr and then to Kamiki, and turns towards one of the doors*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki quirks her eyebrows* Nice try, squirt
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth begins to wonder if he was wrong in thinking it was Lanuccus at all doing the talking. "Alright," he says to Mordath. "I'll leave after you tell me which door leads to Arkoth."
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath glares at Astaroth* His location is none of your concern *he hisses*
: "What about Raeith?" he counters. "Is she my concern?"
RunicMouse: ((*looks from character to character* ....))
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr's eye twitches* No she's NOT
Sabin Duvert: *something seems strange in his eyes for a moment - conflicting, but then it is severe again*
Samantha Blaire
: This isn't ABOUT her anyway!
RunicMouse: (( I FEEL th elove.))
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr looks to Mordath to agree with her*
Sabin Duvert: *mordath nods coldly and turns towards one of the doors again, striding quickly*
Samantha Blaire
: *Purr follows*
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth smirks. "No, it's also about an oath I made to an ally, defeating an evil perverted old man and protecting our kind." He follows Mordath and Purr even though he assumes it will be a trap.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath looks back quickly, a flash of anger in his eyes as he mutters something quickly and then opens the door roughly pulling Purr in after him*
Sabin Duvert
: *The air immediately behind them shimmers momentarily*
Sabin Duvert
: *As soon as they are through the door, it slams shut*
: Astaroth scowls. "Who wants to bet there's now a forcefield involved?"
Sabin Duvert: Sabin: Merde! *he rushes forward* I don't like this... I don't like this at all.... Tslanak had his hooks in Mordath ..... this has to be part of that...
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin runs smack into said forcefield*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin growls - a very feral, animal-sounding growl and bangs on it uselessly with his fist*
: Astaroth summons a ball of Hellfire to see if it will have any effect on the barrier.
Sabin Duvert: *The hellfire seems to be absorbed into the barrier*
: Astaroth growls loudly but refrains from feeding the barrier any further. "Any ideas?" he asked Sabin and Kamiki.
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki stands there stunned, and calls after Purrpurr*
Samantha Blaire: Tslanik has nothing to do with Purrpurr, tho!
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin stares at the barrier as well, and begins feeling around it* I... I don't know! I... I don't know any spells!
Sabin Duvert
: well.. I mean...
Sabin Duvert
: no... *he sighs, waving his hand in dismissal of a difficult explanation*
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrpurr yelps alittle as Mordath grabs her, but quickly recovers and straightens her clothing, huffing away from him and nodding*
Sabin Duvert: ((Purr and Mordath head behind the door and out of sight of the group))
: Astaroth growls as he loses sight of the other fa'e. "Mordath!" he yells. "You're going to get yourself and Raeith killed!" He begins to stalk to room, muttering under his breath.
Samantha Blaire: I...I dont' know any magic...and I don't have the wand...
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin looks to Kamiki with a wince* You didn't bring it?
Samantha Blaire
: It was going to be... ah, "hatching" soon? I didn't want to risk it getting hurt, do you know how much trouble I would be in?
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin nods irritably, still feeling around it - you see his hands travel up to the ceiling, and then around to the walls*
: ((*eats sprinkles unhelpfully o.o*))
Sabin Duvert: It's got this door quartered off...
Sabin Duvert
: ((lol))
: ((they're shaped like bunnies, chickies and eggs. But that doesn't help either. o.o))
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin begins to look around the room, weighing the options*
Sabin Duvert
: ((here might be a place David would be useful >.> ))
: "Do we take the chance that the other door may lead to the same place?" Roth asks, a little subdued around two adults.
Sabin Duvert: *sighs and looks to the other doors*
Sabin Duvert
: *glances at the invisible wall again, and you see him apparently making a clawing motion at the "air"*
Sabin Duvert
: *he frowns as a lot of nothing happens8
Sabin Duvert
: ... the walls might be easier to get through than this force field without something to dispel it...
: ((ooh, the girl fight manuever.. and he botches the roll..))
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki's tail flips around, annoyed*
Sabin Duvert: *he glances to the boy, feeling a bit awkward that he knows very little about*
Sabin Duvert
: What... do you know of magic? You cast some sort of fire....
: "So... we break through the wall rather than the door?" Astaroth tries to follow the conversation. "Magic? Not much. Hellfire's just a talent. I can teleport, but I dunno if it'll get through the barrier... Apparently I can sense
Kalindaralaea: soul bonds or weird things like that..."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin nods carefully* Yes... my "magic" is more of specialized abilities as well....
Sabin Duvert
: *nods* I think the walls might be easier... that or an adjacent door...
Sabin Duvert
: *he growls again* Arkoth has his hooks in Mordath... and from the sounds of things with that soul line... Purr as well...
: ((Mouse suggested Roth might be able to sense Rae's spirit/soul and hone in on that. Your RP, up to you.))
Samantha Blaire: *kicks the ground* Dammit, what did she ever do??
Sabin Duvert: ((it's possible - can guide them in the right direction))
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin sighs*
Sabin Duvert
: *And goes to the other door to jerk it open*
: ((ok. let me know what Roth would be able to sense then...))
Sabin Duvert: *there is a small room behind it - little more than a storage room - and dusty and unkempt*
Sabin Duvert
: ((he probably senses her to the right... on ahead... and down*
Sabin Duvert
: *This door is to the left of the other one*
: ((*giggles. woudl ask questions liek an annoying player type.. but.. isn't actually in thsi room.. so.. XD*))
Sabin Duvert: *sabin hurries in and then turns to the right, looking critically at the wall*
: Closing his eyes, Astaroth tries to concentrate on Rae's soul as he'd felt it in the library. Slowly, he turned back to the right and his head tilted down. "I.. can feel her.. I think. Do you know if there's a floor below this one?"
Sabin Duvert: the other door should have led to a room this way...
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin blinks* I have no idea.... we went up about a half dozen steps to get to this door...
Sabin Duvert
: it might very well have a basement
: "Should we see?" Astaroth summons a large ball of Hellfire and glances at the adults.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smirks as he looks at it* So long as you can keep it focused - I dont' want to catch the whole building on fire
Sabin Duvert
: *you almost dont hear - but under his breath* "at least till we're all out of here..."
Samantha Blaire
: *Kam quirks an eyebrow at Sabin*
Kalindaralaea: "But that would be so pretty," Astaroth mutters with a smirk. Nevertheless, he concentrates as he sends the ball slamming into the floor so it won't destroy everything.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabins shilds his face and grips Kamiki's hand tightly with his other hand*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki jumps a bit, and buries her face in Sabin's shoulder*
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin looks startled for a moment, then has to remind himself that Kamiki is not used to this sort of thing at all, and patts her shoulder gently, looking at the big hole in the wall with a smile* nice going!
Sabin Duvert
: Come on, kamiki.... let's get moving...we have to find them.... before It's too late...
: Astaroth smiles smugly before jumping down the hole with a tiny ball of Hellfire to light his way.
Sabin Duvert: *As Astaroth jumps downards, he feels a much more prounounced SIZZLING sensation all around him*
Sabin Duvert
: There's another ward between the floors - like the one around the house*
: ((Mm. White or red wine with fried roth?))
Sabin Duvert: *not as strong, for certain, but it's there.*
Sabin Duvert
: *His fall is almost slowed, and he feels a shock coursing through his body*
: "Iyaah," Astaroth yelps and teleports back to the room. He gives himself a shake as though trying to be rid of the shocking sensation.
Sabin Duvert: ((Acutally, this was probably a good idea - if they had searched the upper rooms for a way down they might not figured out how to get down - there is a device/magical thing that allows it))
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin looks quickly to him* what happened??
: " 'Nother ward," Roth grunts, still not feeling the best. "Looks like down is also out."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin frowns and looks down the hole - it's dark, but he can make out a slick stone floor corridor - starkly contrasting the dilapidated rooms that they had seen*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin hesitantly reaches downwards, and this time you see what looks like a force wave travel from the corners of the hole to his arm- vibrating around it as Sabin yelps and pulls it back*
: "Looks like we need to break the ward to get downstairs," Roth scowled. "Guess we're breaking the wall after all.."
Sabin Duvert: *sabin ponders at the hole again*
Sabin Duvert
: *this time, he looks around the room and stands up, going to one of the old woden chairs. Bracing it with his hands, he stomp hard on one of the legs, breaking it off*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin then drops the chair leg down into the hole*
Sabin Duvert
: *Like with Roth, the leg seems to slow and stop in its fall as the force wave travels out from the edges of the hole and vibrate around the chair leg*
Sabin Duvert
: *It sits there, hovering - it's base about 6 inches below floor level.
: "Would something heavier get further?"
Sabin Duvert: hrmm....
Sabin Duvert
: maybe....
Sabin Duvert
: *he looks around the room and spies a large jar filled with some unknown jelly-like substance*
Sabin Duvert
: *He carries it over to the hole*
Sabin Duvert
: *~and drops*
Sabin Duvert
: *this time, the jar falls straight through, shattering on the floor below - ichor spilling out onto the ground*
: Roth watches with interest, crouched on the floor.
Sabin Duvert: *the chair leg, however, still hovers in place*
Sabin Duvert
: Interesting....
: "Glass gets through but not wood?" he asks.
Sabin Duvert: *sabin's brows furrow*
Sabin Duvert
: Idon't know... there was something in the jar, too...
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin grabs a piece of the splintered wood from the chair and drops it as well*
Sabin Duvert
: *it also falls to the ground straight through*
: Roth pokes at the ward...
Sabin Duvert: *his hand passes through*
Sabin Duvert
: *the air around the chair leg still is tangibly vibrating*
Sabin Duvert
: (er, visably)
: "We're in business!" Astaroth smirks and lowers himself down.
Sabin Duvert: *And the chair leg seems to slowly be charring*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin grins* Excellent!
Sabin Duvert
: *though the charring and weakening of the wood seems to be escalating*
Sabin Duvert
: Hurry....
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin turns to Kamiki, offering her his hand*
Samantha Blaire
: *she takes it*
Sabin Duvert: *He helps lower her down through the hole as well - carefully to avoid the hovering chair leg*
: Astaroth moved away from where he landed to make room for the others to get down. Summoning a small ball of Hellfire he began to explore the immediate area.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin winces briefly at the light and then began to look around himself*
Sabin Duvert
: *they were in a subtly sloping stone corridor - the floor and walls elegantly polished - and the feeling of a power that almost seemed to vibrate in their chests was present...
: Astaroth forced his attention away from the rush of power and tried to focus on Raeith again... Off to the right, wasn't it? He began to walk in that direction.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin headed quickly after him*
Sabin Duvert
: *the hallway seemed charged with energy - their footsteps ecchoing hollowly in the corridor - everythying beyond the walls seemed muffled - no sounds could be heard beyond their own*
: "Do you think Arkoth knows we're here?" Roth asked softly as they walked. "Or be happy just to have Mordath and Purr under his control?"
Sabin Duvert: *mutters under his breath* I'm sure he does...
Sabin Duvert
: this place is his sanctuary.... it seems designed to keep people out - but he had to weaken it to let Mordath and Purr in...
Sabin Duvert
: however... if they know we're here... I'm sure he does too...
Sabin Duvert
: *he quickens his pace*
Sabin Duvert
: however... I'm surprised still that it has not been more difficult...
Sabin Duvert
: *eventually - there are no turns... and yet they reach what looks like a dead end - a stone wall*
: "But they think we're stuck back there, right?" Roth sped up the pace. "Be careful what you wish for," he added. "easy is good."
Sabin Duvert: That's true...
: Astaroth swore as the dead end appeared. Standing in front of, he reached out a hand and pushed experimentally.
Sabin Duvert: *the wall seems to ripple for a moment, but he still feels something solid - albeit it lacks the texture that stone possesses*
Sabin Duvert
: *however, the "wall" is almost imperceptably further from the image of the wall - and the last few milimeteres of Astaroth's hand seem to be fused with the stone*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin sighs*
Sabin Duvert
: I appear to have spoken too soon...
: "It's not real," Roth says. "There's something there, but not this."
Sabin Duvert: *The feeling behind the wall is smoother, cold.*
: Roth began to move his hands along the surface he can actually feel, searching for something to pull, push, etc.
Sabin Duvert: *yet it does not feel magical*
Sabin Duvert
: *he feels along it, and eventually feels bariers of 'panels'.... and near the edges raised bits - but they do not push - perhaps bolts of some sort*
Sabin Duvert
: *though they are smoothed over as well*
Sabin Duvert
: *the wall feels more metal than stone*
: "There's something right here," he tells Sabin and Kami. "Some kind of... puzzle lock, maybe? It would be nice to see what we're dealing with..."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin nods irritably and comes over as well, feeling behind the false wall*
Sabin Duvert
: Lovely... not only a puzzle, but one we can't see -.-
: Astaroth tried moving the raised edges.
Sabin Duvert: *there are the small grooves that seem to section it off vertically into about 3 pieces*
Sabin Duvert
: *then there are smaller grooves on each panel... like a series of 3x3 blocks... with one missing from each...
Sabin Duvert
: *like a # design of grooves*
: Unused to such mental challanges, Astaroth tried to complete the puzzle by moving the pieces to fill the missing panel pieces. "Give me something to break," he muttered. "I'll take a decent right anyday over this."
Sabin Duvert: *both Roth and Sabin realize that they can slide the squares around - like those puzzles with one section missing*
Sabin Duvert
: *sabin laughs a bit, trying to break the heavy mood* Yes... I must agree with you
Sabin Duvert
: *sabin also slides his around*
: Astaroth continues to move the pieces, not really sure what he's trying to do but hoping to get the right combinartion eventually.
Sabin Duvert: *as Astaroth experiments with filling different sections and leaving some vacant... he ends up where the middle square of his is vacant and he feels a vibration travel through the "wall" behind it - ever so briefly*
Sabin Duvert
: *sabin looks over to him quickly* what did you do?
: Astaroth pauses and then checks what position his pieces are in. "Get the space in the middle."
Kalindaralaea: "... That, or I just broke it."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin nods and quicly shifts his blocks around until the middle block is vacant... and once again there is a vibration through the wall*
Sabin Duvert
: *However... Astaroth feels his blocks slide - the middle one being filled in by the one above it*
: "Dammit," Astaroth cursed. "It moved back." He tried pushing the panel back up again.
Sabin Duvert: *as soon as he moves it back up - the wall vibrates, but Sabin feels his slide down* Merde! Mine just moved
: "Move it back. I'll hold mine where it is so none of the pieces can move into the middle."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin nods* Alright
: Roth holds the panels apart so nothing can move into the middle this time. "Now."
Sabin Duvert: *He goes to move his back, but as Arkoth's remain still and the metal shudders - the piece below it slides up*
Sabin Duvert
: *forcing it closed again*
Samantha Blaire
: ...
Sabin Duvert: *and nearly pinching his fingers unless he moves them*
Samantha Blaire
: Need help?
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin looks over his shoulder with a sheepish smile* I think so...
: Astaroth removes his fingers at the last minute when it became obvious he couldn't stop the panel.
Sabin Duvert: Go - *he nods to the far right* and feel until you feel a series of .... blocks...
Samantha Blaire
: okay... *tries to mimic how they're doing it*
RunicMouse: ((.. if y'all don't watch your Arkoth, Mordaths and Astaroths, I'm goign to get confused XD))
Sabin Duvert: ((Ack))
Sabin Duvert
: ((>.<))
Samantha Blaire
: *her eyes light up* I feel them!
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiles.* Great!
Sabin Duvert
: Now... we need to get all 3 of them to have the middle space empty by sliding the blocks around...
Sabin Duvert
: but as soon as one of us moves one into position, the others go back...
: "Maybe we all need to do it at the same time," Astaroth thinks out loud.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiles* it's worth a try!
Sabin Duvert
: *sabin slides his back to the wrong position*
Sabin Duvert
: Okay... on 3?
Sabin Duvert
: Think you got it, Kamiki?
: "Ready," Astaroth says.
Samantha Blaire: *nods*
Sabin Duvert: Okay....
Sabin Duvert
: On three...
Sabin Duvert
: One.....
Samantha Blaire
: *readies herself*
Sabin Duvert: Two.......
Sabin Duvert
: THREE! *Sabin slides his block into place*
Samantha Blaire
: *slides the block*
Kalindaralaea: Roth slides his block.
Sabin Duvert: *As all three slide at the same moment, the wall shudders a LOT, and then the two panels on the sides slide towards the corresponding direction, and Sabin's (the middle) Slides upwards.
Sabin Duvert
: The illusionary wall, however, is still in place*
Sabin Duvert
: *And as they are moving, the muffled noise of the corridor seems to empty out and a crackling noise from in front of you can be heard - and some low talking that cuts off immediately*
Sabin Duvert
: *with a sharp, furious voice of* "WHO DARES?!?!
: ((.. I thought I called truth... *BRICKED*))
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth settles in a defensive crouch after hearing the voices. Reaching out he pushes at the wall again.
Sabin Duvert: ((ROFL))
: ((lol))
Sabin Duvert: *his hand goes straight through*
: ((sorry, I'm tired. I make dumbass jokes when I'm tired XD))
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki jerks backat the voice, her ears and tail, pricked, and her large, feathery wings unfurl behind her as the 'reality' of the situation comes crashing around her*
Kalindaralaea: With a savage grin, Astaroth darts forward through the illusion. Hellfire is summoned to one hnd and one of his knives appears in the other in preparation for whoever is on the other side.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin, shadows curling around him, and long wicked looking talon-like claws sliding out from his fingers, rushes through the illusion as well*
Sabin Duvert
: *with a determined, nod back towards Kamiki before he disappears through the wall*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki darts through after Sabin, at amazing speed, the halo of energy over her head glows more intense*
Sabin Duvert: *On the other side of the wall is truly a horrific sight. The room is massive and done in intricate stonework - marble and granite - all over the walls have strange symbols carved in them - many of which seem to be>
Sabin Duvert
: *dripping with a viscous red liquid. TO the sides of the room, there are cells - with heavy iron bars and seem to be the only part of the room not meticulously maintained*
Sabin Duvert
: *In the center however is a massive stone table - heavy carvings all around it - in what looks like a myriad arcane symbols of different sorts - laid on top is a heavy chalice with a chalk circle around it with more writing*
: Astaroth takes in the strange room with a grimace, but keeps looking around for the voices that spoke before.
Sabin Duvert: *there are torches around the table, and candles - the light from them however a strange green instead of the normal red - and seems to be arcing between them*
Samantha Blaire
: *kamiki's eyes widen, never have seen anything like this before*
Samantha Blaire: ((be RIGHT back ><; *dashes to the restroom* ))
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath and PurrPurr are standing quite still on either side of the stone table, their forms rigid, their hands at their sides, and their eyes open and staring. strange cords around their arms... *
Sabin Duvert
: *By Mordath's side - sticking VERY close is the shadowy wolf, Tslanak, who is wrapped around his legs like some sort of deranged cat*
Sabin Duvert
: *And, on the far side of the table, is a ... strange creature - its head chained firmly in place from both sides, so that its neck is positioned right above the chailce, a thin trickle of blood dripping slowly from a small cut
Sabin Duvert
: *on its neck*
: Astaroth roars as he notices the state of the fa'e and sees the traitor wolf so close to Mordath. Much as he'd like to kill the wolf, he remembers warnings from Mordath about what hurt the wolf also hurt him. So he made his way
Kalindaralaea: cautiously over to the third figure instead.
Sabin Duvert: ((ack - one sec - this is just the image - nothing's happened yet ^_~ ))
Sabin Duvert
: *the beast is strange and elegant - like a cross between a deer and a dragon - its body is slim and agile - with long cervid ,legs that end in clawed feet, a long snake-like tail, and a large head - with big eyes whose lids are
Sabin Duvert
: drooping - small, weak-looking vestigial wings sprout from its back but hang by its side limply. there is a blackish, sickly looking mark on its forehead, and the rest of its body is covered in what lookes like tarnished yellow>
Sabin Duvert
: scales*
Sabin Duvert
: *Finally, Arkoth stands in front of the table, turning quickly as the group enters, electircity crackling around his hands and a very... pissed look*
Samantha Blaire
: ((back ^^ ))
Sabin Duvert: ((*Grins eEEEVILLY* and with that - does anyone mind if we take a quick food break?))
: ((pissy.. is arkoth on the rag? :D *bricked back into unsconciousness*))
RunicMouse: (( =_= you got 30 second. ))
Kalindaralaea: ((No worries))
Sabin Duvert: ((For those who have yet to see arkoth - he is an old man, draped in black robes and long white hair hanging from his head. At first glance he looks very old, but the closer you look he carries himself like a much younger man))
: ((prune.. PRUNE!!))
Sabin Duvert: ((we wanna run and grab some fast food - we'll be back soon ^_~ ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((mwa hah ahah))
Samantha Blaire
: ((yay food *drops the reminents of her left arm from her mouth* ))
curseeviloctopi has entered the room.
Sabin Duvert: ((ah! David's here! ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Good! This is good~ I was takling with Kamiki in the car of how we could swing this without a magic user >.> ))
has left the room.
Sabin Duvert: ((*blinks*))
Sabin Duvert
: ((well.... while we wait for Kali... let's catch David up to speed...))
has entered the room.
Samantha Blaire: ((*waits for Sabin to catch David up ^^* ))
curseeviloctopi: (Okay, ready to go i think)
Sabin Duvert: ((Excellent))
Sabin Duvert
: (Now - special description for David))
Sabin Duvert
: *The whole room is alive in energy - from your expierences you can tell that a BIG spell is in the works - and was probably about to start VERY soon*
Sabin Duvert
: *and I'm talking magic on a HUGE, fatechanging spectrum*
: ((Post IC now?))
Sabin Duvert: *Furthermore - now more plainly than ever - as they are so close to eachother - you can see the spiritual bonds tied to Purr and Mordath*
Sabin Duvert
: *Energy is draining - very slowly, from the creature on the table*
Sabin Duvert
: *into the object on the table*
: ((How about the bonds to their objects?))
curseeviloctopi: David steps forward, a silver glow around his fists, silvery spiritual wings spread behind him, shielding the others. "I don't care who you are, but what gives you the right to toy with the lives of these children!"
Sabin Duvert
: *PurrPurr is tied very strongly to a spot somewhere in Arkoth's clothes*
Sabin Duvert
: ((getting there ^_~ ))
: "Arkoth," Asaroth hissed and without thinking sent the ball of Hellfire hurtling towards the wizard.
Sabin Duvert: *The creature is also apparently tied to something on Arkoth's person*
: ((ok, offhand... Sabin, that last comment sounded REALLY BAD))
Sabin Duvert: ((LOL))
: (Chuckles)
Sabin Duvert
: ((Pocket! Pocket!))
: ((bad Mouse))
RunicMouse: ((oh cmon.. you were all thinkign it too))
Kalindaralaea: ((Actually not, for once ^^;; )
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki's eyes travel from Purrpurr to Arkoth, and in a blink of an eye, Kamik is on him, her hands around his neck, her small, but v ery very sharp claws, digging into his throat* What have you done to PUrrpurr?!
Sabin Duvert: *from Arkoth to Mordath there is a chain of sorts - but there is a bit of both-ways passage - Arkoth is tied very strongly to The shadowy wolf - which is tied to Mordath. THe chain of power goes from Arkoth to Tslanak...
Sabin Duvert
: *however, this bond seems more different from the others - less permanent - more generated... and from what you know - easier to mess with*
Sabin Duvert
: *Arkoth's eyes travel quickly to Kamiki, and a shudder passes over his body with a half a whisper, and Kamiki feels a jolt travel down her body, sending her backwards - though small pinpricks of blood bead around his neck as he rubs
Sabin Duvert
: *it irritably*
: "Arkoth," Asaroth hissed and without thinking sent the ball of Hellfire hurtling towards the wizard.
Sabin Duvert: *The air around him now seems to shimmer protectively around him, and David can see powerful wards jump up around him - a spell that he keeps on reserve - there's no other way such a complicated weave could come up so quickly*
Sabin Duvert
: *Once again, the hellfire fizzles into the ward and Arkoth laughs*
: David grins, and raises a hand, a silver beam of his own soul reaching out, tieing into the bond between Tslanak and Arkoth, trying to usurp it, a feral grin on his face
Sabin Duvert
: Children!? Children and adults more ignorant then themselves come after me??
Sabin Duvert
: *he laughs*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki lands hand on the ground from the jolt*
Sabin Duvert: ((whoawhoawhao ^^;;;-))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Okay - I respond to each one - but let me type ^_~ ))
: Astaroth growls as his Hellfire is absorbed.
Sabin Duvert: ((This is turn one - lemme respond))
Sabin Duvert
: *As David taps into the bond it is almost like an electronic wire - all the particles moving in one direction - one has control over the next - but fragments of the original remain - if the bond was newer then there would have?
Sabin Duvert
: *been more unique control by each individual, but over time the force of wills has pulled the chain of command in one direction - and it seems like a powerful current that is hard to redirect. Au contraire - tapping into it>
Sabin Duvert
: *you can feel part of it pushing your way, and Arkoth grins madly*
Sabin Duvert
: *You wish to be my puppet as well, Boy?!
Sabin Duvert
: *however.... as this happens... you feel that arkoth's "power" as it were... was split... weakening the force going the other direction*
: David grins, and lets his true soul out, a bright silver glow surrounding him as he assumes wereform, drawing on what ambient moonlight there is, and shoving a bolt of pure energy into the link towards arkoth, growling a little in
Sabin Duvert
: *On one hand, Arkoth's influence is encroaching on your mind... but on the other... you can tell... maybe... maybe if something were to snap Mordath out of it - he could reverse the direction*
: pain as small cuts open on his palms
: "Mordath, Snap out of it!"
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin looks between them, wondering in confusion what's going on*
Sabin Duvert
: *then something seems to hit, and he lets David concentrate on what he's doing* Mordath! Mordath! Think, boy - you're being -controlled-....
: Astaroth runs over to Mordath while Silver keeps Arkoth busy. "Mordath!" he shouts, shaking the taller fa'e. "Mordath, wake up! We have ti find Raeith before he kills everyone."
Sabin Duvert: Mordath - Lanuccus - whoever you think you are at the moment - would you let yourself be controlled by a DOG?!
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki growls and goes over to Purrpurr, grabbing her by the shoulder and shaking her roughly* Purrpur!!
Sabin Duvert: ((ack - brb - dog needs out now))
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrpurr looks grogily at Kamiki, but doesn;t seem to recognize who she is*
Sabin Duvert: *You're not sure if it's Sabin's words, Astaroth's face, or the mention of Purr and Raeith, btu something seems to register in Mordath's eyes, and David can feel off in the distance the flow start to slow...*
Sabin Duvert
: *However.... on his own front... Arkoths' energy is much more powerful than any normal wizard he's faced... there is a power in this one... something old... very old... and malevolent - and it becomes painfully obvious how he could
Sabin Duvert
: *have dominated the reincarnations of Fey rulers*
Sabin Duvert
: *Arkoth does not seemed that phased by the loosening of David's true self*
Sabin Duvert
: *instead he laughs* YOu would make a useful pawn, dog!
: Astaroth notices something in Mordath start to respond. "Fight it, Mordath!"
Sabin Duvert: Astar......oth...? *he looks groggy, as if drunk or drugged...
Sabin Duvert
: *meanwhile, Tslanak looks up at them and growls, and then jumps for Astaroth's throat*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki jumps in front of Astaroth, incepting Tslanak*
curseeviloctopi: David changes from attack to defence, erecting barriers between himself and arkoth "I WILL NEVER SERVE YOU! I already serve someone, and will never betray My Lady!"
Samantha Blaire
: ((intercepting))
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth nods his thanks to Kami and continues to work on Mordath. "Come on, Mordath, that's good. Let's go save Raeith and your sister, okay? Just wake up a bit more."
curseeviloctopi: David sends a stream of power to Mordath, trying to energize him, and just readys to fight of arkoth. "Tsaltoth thernos kresso ka thanos"
Samantha Blaire
: *she quickly shifts her form to more animalistic one- her clothes shedding as her forms to a very large (wolf sized) fox, snapping at Tslanak's neck*
Sabin Duvert: *Tslanak does not stop his attack, leaping into Kamiki and tearing at her with shadowy teeth and claws*
: Out of hte blue, the chalice containing th eblood begins to quiver. Faster than *most* could react, it's suddenly hurled at Arkoth's head.
Sabin Duvert: *David's barrier and defense shifts - putting up more of a protection and standing his grounds than offense, and Arkoth snorts derisively* I've heard that before....
Sabin Duvert
: And it did not help them either.
Sabin Duvert
: *the invading force is certainly slowed - but does not appear to be stopped*
Sabin Duvert
: *however, in his arrogance, more and more of his energy is being directed your way*
: (( and then he gets distracted by a flying chalice :D))
RunicMouse: ((*hides*))
Sabin Duvert: *Tslanak snarls and snaps - looking surprised to face another canine, growling in a strange whispery canine speach - of things that Kamiki would probably either want to blush from or smack him harder*
: David growls, and draws his dagger, slashing his palms, his blood splashing to the ground, red laced through with silver traces, feeding the power inherant in his blood, in his very life force into his defences,
Sabin Duvert
: *As the chalice moves and is hurled towards Arkoth- it smacks into something unseen..... however... the red liquid of the cup splashes over it, and you can see the edges of the spherical barrier... and it crackles and fizzles as
: and starts to partition off his mind just incase he must shift the fight to there.
Sabin Duvert
: *the magickal contents seep into the ward. the whole barrier seems to crackle, changing shades --....*
Sabin Duvert
: *At that time... however, mordath blinks again, and there is a spark of recognition in his eyes*
Sabin Duvert
: Astaroth.,..? Kamiki!! NO!
Sabin Duvert
: *and David feels the direction start to shift...*
: Astaroth turns around for a moment as he feels a surge in Raeith's soul... but when he doesn't see the golden fa'e he turns back to Mordath. "Mordath? You're okay now?"
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki and Tslanak are prolly still fighting*
Sabin Duvert: *MOrdath turns in fury to Tslanak, who cuts off mid expletive snarl and stops the attack.. To Kamiki's most likely frustration - while she was certainly keeping Tslanak distracted, when she would snap or slash at him, the shadows
Sabin Duvert
: *would close up like water afterwards*
Sabin Duvert
: *but in mid snap he stops, blinking strangely, and cocks his head at Mordath.... "M...aster...?" For the first time, his whisper lacks the snide, slippery tone*
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki stops, her hackles still raised as she watches Tslanak*
Sabin Duvert: *Tslanak cocks his head at Mordath, who at first looks seething in anger, then a wide, twisted grin grows over his face as both of them turn as one towards Arkoth... and David feels that stream pound backwards towards Arkoth*
Sabin Duvert
: ((Sabin's doing something during all this... really >>))
: As Astaroth watches, confused, he reaches out to try and sense the soul bond between Mordath and Tslanak. Was Mordath finally in control of it?
RunicMouse: ((*pictures sabin waving pompoms..* ))
Sabin Duvert: ((ah!))
: David opens the gate wide, and throws his own force behind it, sending it hurtling at him.
Sabin Duvert
: *Meanwhile... slowly,.... Sabin's form has been shifting... shadows encroaching on his hair and extremeties, washing over him - unlike David apparently, Sabin takes a while to shift forms >.>*
Sabin Duvert
: *two extra sets of glowing red eyes slit open on his face, and his mouth widens revelaing rows of sharp fangs*
Sabin Duvert
: *and arkoth finds himself met on -2- fronts a mental attack - one channel of his own creation. This was NOT going as planned and he radiates an anger*
: With Mordath apparently awake and in control of things, Astaroth sneaks around the back of the group and makes his way to the third figure, tied down. A kirin, he noted. Where on earth did Arkoth find a kirin? Frowning, he almost
Kalindaralaea: missed the sense of a familiar spirit. "... Raeith?"
Sabin Duvert: *In his anger - flashes of a horrific magickal battle with another so long ago - he cuts off the channel in one direction - Mordath's. Severing the tie before he realizes what he's undoing - the trap that he had spent years>
Sabin Duvert
: developing to snare him*
Sabin Duvert
: *But it's too late... and David and arkoth's energies lock midway between them*
Sabin Duvert
: *However... meanwhile... the contents of the chalice have been oozing over the barrier - turning it red and crackling as it seeps.... and... is it possible... eating away at it? One thing is for certain - Arkoth does not notice*
: The tied creature's eyes flutter, opening but remaining unfocused. They're red, like a pair of rubies - but all teh figure does is groan at Astaroth, barely able to move.
Sabin Duvert: *as soon as the bond between tslanak/Mordath and arkoth breaks, Mordath looks stunned, caught offguard... and exhausted*
Sabin Duvert
: *And Raeith, in all the magic... has more of her flashes - her memories... of being tied down before.. of great Magics... of his... her friend she thought... of pain...*
Sabin Duvert
: *his presence is here again... as is the other.... the cruel one... *
: "Raeith?" Astaroth repeats, moving closer to the kirin, noting the yellow scales and red eyes. "I thought Raeith was a dragon..." he trailed off as he noticed she was bleeding from the center of her head - where her 3rd eye had been
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki goes back over to Purrpurr*
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin, finishing his shift, turns and straightens with a growl towards Arkoth - he is a fearsome sight - standing about 7 feet tall, a humanoid, digitigrade monster of shadows with a huge maw of sharp white teeth, nasty claws>
: Rae, in all her exhaustion, begins to try to flail. "No... NO.. no.. Lannacus.. no..traitor.. TRAITOR.... no.."
Sabin Duvert: and six burning red eyes*
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath looks weakly over to the creature, confusion all over his face* Wh... what
Sabin Duvert
: *Arkoth screams in frustration, grabbing something from his neck, and tossing it to the ground - a vial of blue liquid.... as it does, energy seems to coil around his arms and legs, and his energy seems to bolster against David's -
Sabin Duvert
: *pushing back his way - stronger*
: Roth blinks. "Raeith knew Lanuccus in her past life?" No one had mentioned that before.
Samantha Blaire: *Kamikis eyes dart* Lannacus?
RunicMouse: No. Spells.. no. No. "Please no.." she murmurs, writhing against the ropes weakly. "Oh Gods hurts.. it hurts.. ah.. blood..traitor.. tra.."
Sabin Duvert: *However, he does not notice as the shadowy creature bounds towards him, seeing the small HOLE in the ward.... and he dives throgh - his shadowy body slipping through the small hole*
Sabin Duvert
: ((that name also probably strikes a chord with Purr right now))
: Withdrawing his knife, Astaroth began working on Raeith's bonds with both the knife and his hellfire...
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr blinks* Lunnacus?
Samantha Blaire: Where? *her eyes are still heavily lidded, but she looks around*
Sabin Duvert: *Arkoth, turns, too late, and his eyes widen like saucers as he sees the anju not a foot away from him, its maw opened wide. David feels the energy stream weaken drastically as "Sabin" tears into him....
Sabin Duvert
: *electricity courses around Arkoth like before with Kamiki - but it does nothing agains the shadows*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki pales under her fur, never have seen Sabin like this... violentally, at least*
Sabin Duvert: *red, drippy liquid begins to splat against he inside of the spherical ward around Arkoth*
Sabin Duvert
: *Fortunately in many of your eyes, hiding the gruesome scene within*
: ((squishy!))
Sabin Duvert: *Though it does not hide the snarling growls ... and the screams.... sometimes chanting... but cut off....
: ((lol, is there a PG rating that says we can't see? XP ))
Sabin Duvert: ((lol))
: ((*hold sup a CENSORED sign*))
Sabin Duvert: ((Sabin's a bit protective of the ones he loves.... when people hurt them Sabin likes to go fingerpaint >.> ))
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki's ears droop and she paws backwards a bit*
Sabin Duvert: ((And she's carrying his child! ^_~ ))
: ((Has Roth got through Rae's bonds?))
Sabin Duvert: ((yes - they werent' -that- strong))
: Once the bonds are tied, Rae rolls to the floor with all the grace of a wet bag of potatos. Her wounds aren't bleeding as badly, but whatever her mind is seeing hasn't stopped. She twitches, still muttering somethign about spells.
Kalindaralaea: ((fingerpaint, lol))
Sabin Duvert: *David feels Arkoth's energy trail off... *
: The thick iron collar around her neck clangs as it hits the stone floor.
Kalindaralaea: "Raeith...?" Astaroth places a gentle hand on the kirin. "Stya here, okay?"
Sabin Duvert: *Lastly... the red ward begins to degrade more - partially from the red liquid... and then just drops... wetly*
Samantha Blaire
: *Kamiki suddenly feels very sick, one paw going to her stomach, and she just keels over in a faint*
Sabin Duvert: *the shadowy creature inside stands over... a red mess... and it appears to be chewing a bit, then swallows quickly as the ward falls*
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrpurr's eyes go WIDE as she sees the seen, and she looks VERY confused*
Sabin Duvert: *looking out hesitantly and anxiously as the room suddenly can see what he's doing again*
: ((mm. arkoth. it's what's for dinner))
Samantha Blaire: What's going on?
Kalindaralaea: "VERY nice," Astaroth's eyes sparkle approvingly.
Samantha Blaire: Where am I?
Sabin Duvert: ((*wipes brow after typing keeping up with 4 other people ^_~ *)
Samantha Blaire
: ((Kamiki isn't usually such a pussy as to go an faint, but she IS pregnant))
Samantha Blaire: ((BRB))
Sabin Duvert: ((lol - true))
: ((Yep. Kami's done awesomely well for being preggers ^^ ))
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin slinks backwards, admittedly leaving a hesitant six-eyed glance on the youngest one in the room who gave an approval?!*
Sabin Duvert
: D..Dad...? *Mordath turns towards him, looking... very stunned....*
: "How does one get possessed by something like that?" Astaroth wondered aloud. That could be a very cool ability... Not for himself, he liked being completely in control, but it would be something useful to know...
Sabin Duvert: ((LOL!))
: ((... typical roth.))
Sabin Duvert: *roth hears a whisper right next to his ear - like Mordath's but... even more whispery - sending involuntary chills down his spine* trust me... you do not want to know
Kalindaralaea: Jumping a little at the voice in his ear, Roth then pouted slightly at the message. It would be useful to know... He could raise an army of them or something. That would be lots of fun. Ah well...
Sabin Duvert: ((ROFL~))
RunicMouse: Rae, still in kirin form surprisingly, has at least stopped spasming. Her breathing is fast, ragged, as if she's just run a couple of marathons back to back. Ragged, tufted ears try to move, try to focus in on voices..
Samantha Blaire: Purrpurr is staring stunned and horrified at the pile of muck that used to be Arkoth
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth's ears catch the noise and he bends back down to Raeith. "Raeith?" he asks. "It's Astaroth. Can you change back?"
Kalindaralaea: Looking up he said, "Did Mordath's dad eat Rae's horn, too?"
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin slinks further away from it, trying to escape notice in the corner of the room to change back*
Sabin Duvert
: ((there are a few objects in the muck >.> ))
: David slowly goes over to the pile, digging through it, picking out the objects that glow to his sight
RunicMouse: Her eyes don't open, but she flinches. "B.. burns.." she manages, shuddering all over.
RunicMouse: ((.. this is making my sherbet look REALLY unappetizing >.<))
Sabin Duvert: ((he finds 2 books, and a strange horn))
Sabin Duvert
: ((lol))
: "Raeith's horn?" he asks. "We're looking for it. It'll be here somewhere."
Sabin Duvert: ((mmm... *eats happily*))
: ((*throws a spoonful at Sabin*))
curseeviloctopi: Hmmmm
curseeviloctopi: *carrys the objects over to the others, picking out the horn, noticing the link to raeith* This what ya looking for?
Sabin Duvert: ((however, the horn also feels ancient - much older than Raeith))
Samantha Blaire
: ((*gives the rest of her hamburger to her rats* x_x ))
Kalindaralaea: "Looks about right," Astaroth nods. "Can you... y'know, heal it back on or something?"
Sabin Duvert: ((didn't like it?))
Sabin Duvert
: ((lol))
: *goes to eat a rare steak*
RunicMouse: ((...... I was waiting for a superglue comment X_x))
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath blinks a few times, looking around hesitantly... feeling... more whole than he has since before he first found his book*
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrrpurr's eyes wander around the room slowly, and she backs into a corner and slinks down to a sitting position*
Sabin Duvert: *He blinks now over to Astaroth and the creature as if seeing them for the first time*
Sabin Duvert
: Astaroth...? You came...? *he weakly cracks a smile*
: Astaroth glances around to Mordath and rolls his eyes. "Of course." Quickly, in case others are watching, he flashes his ally a quick smile.
Sabin Duvert: ((Eheheh ^__^))
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath weakly wanders over, resting heavily on Tslanak who sticks by him silently and obediently*
Sabin Duvert
: But what.... is that..?
: Rae moves on teh floor again. It burns.. why must it always burn?
curseeviloctopi: David slowly reaches out one hand to rest it on the collar around Raeith's neck, gazing at it, following the stones back to mordath, and frowns a little.
Kalindaralaea: Quickly turning back to Raeith to hide his relief, Astaroth turns his attention to the collar around Raeith's neck. "This is Raeith," he says. Poking the collar, his finger is shocked and he draws it back to suck on it and consider.
curseeviloctopi: (Errr, arkoth even. XD)
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath's eyes go wide* Ra..eith...? This...
Sabin Duvert
: but...
: ((lol))
RunicMouse: ((... what IS it that makes those names so easy to confuse? JEEZ))
Sabin Duvert: this doesn't look like any dragon I've seen...
: ((give mordath a cookie.))
Sabin Duvert: ((David sees the colar alive with energy - containing... protecting... binding))
: "Raeith is a kirin," Astaroth explained. "Related, but kind of like comparing lions and tigers."
Sabin Duvert: *It's rimmed with powerful stones, bloodstones... and other items in the cold iron collar - *
: David lets his energy run around the edge of the collar, looking for some joint or catch that can be used to get the collar off
Sabin Duvert: *he finds it eventually...*
: Rae's ears go back adn pin to her head, shaking at hte vibratiosn the collar is giving off. "No.. BURNS.. burns.."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin, meanwhile, has finally shifted back down to his normal form, and surveys the damage... Kamiki lying unconscious... Purrpurr sitting and looking dazed - and the rest gathered around the ... was that a Kirin?!*
: "It's okay Raeith," Astaroth says gently. "We're getting the collar off. Silver is good at breaking things."
RunicMouse: ((oh they all knew, some surprise XD))
curseeviloctopi: David pulls his energy back, watching raeiths reaction, and then triggering the catch slowly, loosening the collar.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin heads, slowly... towards the large fox-like creature....should... he touch her...? Would she pull back from him if she knew...? Had he screwed things up again....?*
: (Erm, no silver, just david)
RunicMouse: ((mass confusion tonight :D))
Sabin Duvert: *In his rage - he had let himself go - let himself extract the vengance he wanted for hurting his child... and Kamiki's...*
: ((Mordath didn't. Oops, sorry David ^^;; ))
Sabin Duvert: ((Mordath what?))
: ((she meant Sabin *cracking up*))
RunicMouse: ((who's on first?))
Kalindaralaea: ((Know Raeith was a kirin.))
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath leans closer, relieved that the collar is off her - wondering what Arkoth did to the time they had been there*
Sabin Duvert
: ((LOL))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Sabin knows what they are, unlike Mordath - he just didn't exactly pay attention to that with Arkoth there at first))
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin kneels by Kamiki, scared to touch her... feeling dirty... stained again...*
Sabin Duvert
: *his face a mix of emotions...*
: ((*nods* And Roth knew cause of his Chinese background))
RunicMouse: Her figure begins to shrink back down, compose itself into the small figure they all know as Raeith.. her eyes beginning to blink, and open to focus right onto Mordath's face.
Sabin Duvert: ((Sabin's just a monster-phile. Magical creature? Sabin's read up on it - and probably talked someone's ear off about it at some point))
Sabin Duvert
: Raeith...? *Mordath hesitates*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin slowly rises... not wanting to move her yet... not after the look she gave him...*
Sabin Duvert
: *instead... looks to Purrpurr..... hesistantly approaches her*
: Instead of the warm, gentle smile she's known for, Rae's face suddenly flinches into one of utter, stark terror. "IYAH! Yaaaah!" she screams, pulling her arms up over her face. >
Sabin Duvert: *mordath pulls back quickly, confused and somewhat hurt - though he tries to cover that*
Sabin Duvert
: What... what... what did I do?
: Instictively, she turns to hide herself against Astaroth, muffling her cries of terror in his shirt.
Sabin Duvert: ...
: "traitor.. traitor.." is all she can sob.
Sabin Duvert: *A cold feeling washes over Mordath.... this..... this was not waht he wanted to see...*
: "Raeith?" Astaroth asks, shocked at her response. Awkwardly he pats her back and guves Mordath a confused look. "Help," he mouthed.
Sabin Duvert: *confusion... but the feeling is back... just like Purr and Morion... the feelings of jealousy - though not knowing that name.... abandonment...*
: (( * gives, even))
Samantha Blaire: Purrpurr's eyes narrow at Sabin as he approaches*
Sabin Duvert: *mordath just gets up upon seeing that... a shuddering breath as he looks levelly at Astaroth.... then... starts to hesitate as he sees Astaroth's own confusion*
: Rae, hands covered in ichor that had leaked form teh gaping wound in her head, her own blood, clings to Roth as if he was the only rock in this place.
Sabin Duvert: Why... is she running away from me?! *he explods in as much as he can with his whisper*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin* Purrpur...?
Sabin Duvert
: Honey...?
Sabin Duvert
: It's... it's over...
Sabin Duvert
: Are... you okay...?
: "Um, who's a traitor Raeith?" Roth asks cautiously. He shrugs at Mordath. Last time he checked, Raeith had liked spending time with Mordath.
RunicMouse: At his explosion, she cries out again, shaking all over, face buried in Roth's chest. "Hurts.." she whispers. "So much blood.."
Sabin Duvert: *sabin hesitates.... did she see him...? remember?*
Samantha Blaire
: HONEY? How dare you! Where I am! Take me home! Whats happening???
Sabin Duvert: *sabin opens and closes his mouth, all worry about scaring her melts away quite quickly with a flat look, and part of him inside snarls at being called like a -subject-*
: ((*giggles* He better get used to it XD))
Kalindaralaea: "Your horn hurts?" Roth is very confused. "The blood is mostly Arkoth's... He's gone now. Mr Sabin ate him."
Sabin Duvert: *Part of him that was fed and encouraged tonight more than it had ever been in years... a part of him long dormant, now Quite awake and pleased...*
Samantha Blaire
: ((LOL "Mr. Sabin ate him" *dies* ))
Sabin Duvert: ((ROFL))
: (( XD ))
curseeviloctopi: (Chuckles)
RunicMouse: "D.. dead.. dead.. L..Lannacus..." She can't seem to form the words, but the violent shaking hasn't stopped. "Killed.." she gasps, not lookign back at Mordath.. "He.."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin forces a tolerant smile* We just rescued you, your "highness" he says - the sarcasm unable to be hid in his voice*
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath looks on, agape... that name again- HIS name! Dead? Traitor? What was she talking about?! Why did EVERYONE know more about him than HE did?!*
Sabin Duvert
: What is going on! *he rages, finally free agian, but so much pent up frustration after all this - weak but angry, and vulnerable - one of the few people he thought he could trust running away from him to one of the others. *
Sabin Duvert
: *Her AND Purr now both held something over him... something that he had longed for for ever... that they were both HANDED - that knowledge should be HIS , not -theirs-!*
Sabin Duvert
: *But... he forced himself to think.... she knew something... something that scared her... she was a kirin... he was free... Tslanak was his... Titania and he had.... *
: Astaroth frowned. "Lanaccus is dead? He was a traitor? To who?" He shook his head at Mordath - double meaning, saying he wasn't sure he believed this, that it didn't matter, and secondly warning that Mordath yelling wouldn't help
Sabin Duvert: *all the information rushing over him, overwhelming him*
: Rae pulls back a litle to bury her face in her hands, crying enormous tears that ran freely down her cheeks and hands. "I.. saw.. standing over me..I.. so much blood.. then.. nothing.. nothing..."
Sabin Duvert: *mordath forces himself to take a breath*
Sabin Duvert
: ....
: She rocks herself, tears beginnign to drip to the floor slowly.
Sabin Duvert: you.... saw blood... *he forces himself to think straight... there was information here.... and he didn't notice the growing feeling of dread that was welling up due to the words she spoke*
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrpurr reaches out and smacks Sabin* Take that tone out of your voice!
Sabin Duvert: What... did you see... you knew "Lanuccus?"
: Astaroth drew back from Raeith a little. "Lanaccus... killed your past self?" He turned to Mordath with puzzled eyes. Did Mordath remember any of this?
Sabin Duvert: ((oh boy))
: ((Uh oh))
Kalindaralaea: ((Don shoot the Roth interpreter ;_; ))
RunicMouse: Rae just started nodding at Astaroth, weeping as if her heart had been broken.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin's lip curls back instinctively, revealing teeth longer and sharper than he normally boasts. His voice takes on a very different tone, careful and dangerous* I would not reccomend you do that again....
Sabin Duvert
: I serve no one.
: ((that might've been teh uh oh part ^^;;;;-))
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath's mouth fell open* I... killed....?
Samantha Blaire
: Purrpurr stands quickly, angry and confused tears spilling over her face*
Samantha Blaire: GET AWAY FROM ME! *she screams at the top of her lungs*
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki's eyes flutter open* Purrpur.r..?
RunicMouse: ((well someone's coping well ;D))
Samantha Blaire: *Kam's gaze falls on Sabin and Purrpurr clammering away from him*
Samantha Blaire: *Purrpurr eyes scan for a door, and land on Mordath* Lannacus!
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki looks at Sabin confuses* What did you do to her?!
Kalindaralaea: Astaroth shrugged again. This was getting confusing, with all these mixed up past lives...
RunicMouse: Rae continues her soft hiccuping, refusing to look up at anyone. At the sound of the name, she visibly flinches, curling up tighter into herself
Sabin Duvert: *sabin's mouth hangs open.... feeling the fear spike from her... sending chills of pleasure down him, but his mind wrests himself free*
Sabin Duvert
: *Seeing Kamiki staring at him in shock... realizing what he was doing... to a child!?*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin backs off... stuttering... shaking his head...*
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath looks over to Purrpurr.... back to Raeith and roth.... there is still part of him burning to know more... but another part... becoming dominant - feeling sick with the knowledge he's hearing... and watching her cling to him
: Astaroth pats Raeith's shoulder, unsure of what he can do in this situation. "We should go elsewhere," he suggests. "Somewhere less...," he gestured around, "ugly."
RunicMouse: ((She's not clinging to him anymore XD))
Kalindaralaea: ((Poor Mordath :-( ))
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath got up quickly as well, visibly upset and confused, a hand resting on Tslanak, and starts off in the general direction purrpurr went*
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin, meanwhile, splutters, scared - mostly at himself* I... I didn't do... anything...
Samantha Blaire
: *Purrpurr clings to Mordath*
Samantha Blaire: Get me out of here!!!!
RunicMouse: Rae, shivering, looks u pto Roth adn David. "I.. want to go home..?" she says, very softly.. almost pleading.
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki gives a VERY skeptical look to Sabin, especially as she clings to Mordath*
Samantha Blaire: Yeah, right -.-
Samantha Blaire: She's just a child, SabiN!
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin draws back...* I didn't...
Samantha Blaire
: Are you going to speak to OUR child like that?
Sabin Duvert: she... I...
: David smiles a little, slowly shifting back to his human form, lifting Rae in his arms, smiling at her, slipping the two books and the horn into a bag at his side.
curseeviloctopi: "Sure thing sweetie. Just as soon as we are ready to go, kay?
Kalindaralaea: "Yeah, let's go," Astaroth got to his feet. "Should I just teleport us?" he asks David, the only adult not arguing.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin swallows, and you see shadows wash over him again, and this time there is a smoother transformation - not into the monsterous shadow creature, but into a humanoid threedimensional shadow, which seems to melt into a?
Sabin Duvert
: *twodimensional shape on the floor, which skitters off quickly*
: Rae, feeling very small and very vulnerable right now, clings to David, burying her face in his shoulder
Samantha Blaire: *Kamiki paws over to her pile of shed clothes and carries them into a corner were she quietly and quickly shifts back to her normal form and gets dressed*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath's eyes widen as Purr runs to him*
: "Very cool," Astaroth murmers, watching Mordath's dad escape.
Sabin Duvert: *feeling the hints at something strange - someone coming to him first.....*
Sabin Duvert
: *Mordath nods slowly* Let... let's get home.... fix things...
: Rae manages to look over at Mordath with eyes briming with tears.. "He loved her before, too.." she says, every so quietly. "So much.. I.. help. "
Sabin Duvert: *Tslanak whines quietly and thumps his tail softly*
: She look sup at David with eyes full of pain and fear, confusion, as if he could make it go away.
Sabin Duvert: *david can sense a strong chord of soul energy in each of the 3 items*
: Astaroth follows Raeith's gaze to Mordath and Purr-Purr and scowls. 'Sister', indeed.
Sabin Duvert: *An ancient bond - and each tied strongly to one of the children*
Sabin Duvert
: *A part of them.... the objects that were used to control them...*
: David smiles, and kisses rae gently on the forehead "Lets go back to sabin's, okay?
RunicMouse: Rae shakes her head. "Home.." she pleads.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath feels confused - hurt... but comforted by Purr here... even though... she seemed to be in one of those strange spells again...*
: David nods, and looks to astaroth "Care to come with me?" A silvery rune starts to form in the air near david, glowing like moonlight
Samantha Blaire: *she doesn't say anything, just clings to him, trying not to look as scared as she is*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath looks to Purr, and speaks gently* He can get us home...
Samantha Blaire
: *she nods*
Kalindaralaea: With a sigh, Astaroth nodded and glanced to see if Mordath and Purr were coming back to teleport out. He had a feeling Mordath was taking this badly and wanted to talk to his ally.
Sabin Duvert: *he walks carefully over to Astaroth and David*
: David smiles, and gestures to the rune "Just step in. We're going to Mouse's place first to take rae home first, then i will get you all back to Sabin's, okay?
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath nods slowly*
Sabin Duvert
: alright...
: Astaroth flashs Mordath another rare smile before stepping inside the rune.
Sabin Duvert: *he steps into the ward with PurrPurr*
Samantha Blaire
: *follow's Mordath*
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath actually seems to be relieved by seeing it, and his face softens as he smiles back - he was worried about what his friend thought of his actions*
: David steps in last, the rune fading away, leaving the home of arkoth empty and silent.
curseeviloctopi: The group appears on Mouse's front stoop, and david calls out "Miss Mouse? Are you home?"
RunicMouse: ((*coughs*))
curseeviloctopi: (Mew?)
RunicMouse: The lights are actually.. ON.. as opposed to last time he was there. There's movement upstairs - Prox and Anen, doting over the passed out Mouse ^^l
Sabin Duvert: *sabin, meanwhile, has slipped home, not knowing that it would be his house that people would return to. He slipped in and under the door to his study and reformed, pouring himself a stiff drink*
: But hey, she's back, right? That's good XD
Kalindaralaea: Roth hangs back from the group slightly and tries to catch Mordath's eye.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath blinks and looks over to him curiously*
: David slowly opens the door, still holding raeith. "Which room do you want to sleep in sweetie? Do you want to sleep by your mother?"
Samantha Blaire: Purrpurr stays by his side, looking confused at the house they are at*
RunicMouse: Rae blinks up at David. "I want Momma Mouse.." she says, sniffing.
curseeviloctopi: David tip toes up the stairs, gesturing for the others to stay where they are, and gently lays rae next to Mouse, and digs into his bag, pulling out the horn, and staring at it, and then at Rae, handing it to her.
Kalindaralaea: Roth's eyes flicker to Purr for a second but switch back to Mordath. "Are you alright?" he asks. Hesitating, he adds, "You're not the only one who's killed people, you know. Not everyone thinks that killing is a bad thing..."
RunicMouse: Rae blinks at the horn a little, then sets it on teh bedside table. She crawls under teh covers with Mouse, nestling up against her. Taking a moment, Rae waves a little to David.. "Thank you.."
curseeviloctopi: "Hold this for me for a moment, okay sweetie?" David closes his eyes, and lets his sould drift out to touch the horn and rae, slowly merging the two of them together, melding them into one whole again.
RunicMouse: ((*winks* can't do that David
RunicMouse: ((That's her Youth quest, growing back her horn))
curseeviloctopi: (Mew. Okies then. Sabin said to merge them, so don't kill me for bad instructions please! *goes to hide*)
Sabin Duvert: *mordath nods slowly*
: ((hehe, no worries. It's not something a little ole bandaid is going to fix. Personal quest and such))
Sabin Duvert: ((Ah - srry - meant return the energies... not necessarily physically... though with Rae... hrmm... did mouse not want that to happen yet?))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Also - I figured it would be more of a ritual to unbind the soul objects))
has left the room.
Sabin Duvert: ((we can skim that for Purr and Mordath when they get back - David set it up, and then the 2 of them falling unconscious at the completion and TBC it there (to be continue))
: ((You can do that, sure. XD Th ehorn woudl porbably disintegrate))
Sabin Duvert: ((individual on our own time :-) ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((okay ^^ ))
: (I didn't mean put the horn back on, i meant merge her soul back with herself. He can't stick the horn back on. Just release the fragment of her soul that is tied to it)
RunicMouse: ((*giggles* ok then. consider her whole XD))
RunicMouse: ((no licking the horn and tryign ot get it to stick though XD XD))
Sabin Duvert: ((ah - well... I figured it would be a bit more involved than that >.> ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((lol))
has entered the room.
RunicMouse: ((or not. whatever XD))
Kalindaralaea: ((did I miss anything?))
RunicMouse: ((a lot of.. yes.. no.. well maybe..))
curseeviloctopi: (I can make it more complicated if ya want me to. Just will need to think out a post for it)
RunicMouse: can always pm it to me, and I'll add it ot her journal, how's that?
Sabin Duvert: ((das cool - or he could do it for her after she sleeps - whatever you want. REgardless - the soul objects would theoretically release a lot of their old selves back to them - and potentially memories))
: k
RunicMouse: whatever works. I'm goign to save it here at this point and upload it ;-) )
Sabin Duvert: ((*nods*))
: k
curseeviloctopi: i'll work on a merge post for each of them later
curseeviloctopi: when i'm more coherant
Sabin Duvert: ((so- give her the horn I'd say... and have david come back to rebind it to her later :-) . Meanwhile he brings Purr and Mordath back and sets up to bind them - after saying that Morion had been rebound to his >.> ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((That works ^^ ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((So let's get them home and sayt hey're setiting up for it ^^ ))
: ((cool))
curseeviloctopi: David walks back downstairs, smiling a little. Mouse would have a nice suprise when she woke up. David gestures, and the rune appears again "Shall we go to sabin's house now?"
RunicMouse: my god, this chat is effing huge XD
RunicMouse: (( 243kb))
Sabin Duvert: ((LOL - YOu've never done VL with us before ^_~ ))
: *lol*
Samantha Blaire: I want to go home!
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath nods, and steps into the rune*
: David sighs a little "I will get you home in due time purr purr."
Kalindaralaea: "I'm off then," Astaroth steps away from the group, ready to teleport himself home. "I'll see you later then, Mordath," he smiles. Time for his own quest!
Samantha Blaire: Purrpurr? *follows Mordath into the rune, grabbing for his arm*
curseeviloctopi: David steps throught he rune, sighing more. It was going to be a long night.
Sabin Duvert: *smiles to Astaroth* You have my word - and my oath to help you when you need it
: "I'll let you get some rest before we go then," Astaroth nods before teleporting away.
Sabin Duvert: *Mordath smiles appreaciatingly*
: ((and I'm off to save my washing from the night air...))
RunicMouse: ((and I'm off ot pass out. X_x My eyebalsl are goign through serious strain.))
Kalindaralaea: ((see you all tomorrow and thankd for the cool RP ^_^ ))
RunicMouse: ((good story, good story X3 *falls off chair adn oozes to bed*
RunicMouse has left the room.
curseeviloctopi: (Kay. Sorry i was so late!)
Sabin Duvert: ((hai us too ^^; ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((yes :3 ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((yosh - let's wrap this up - get Mordath and Purr back to Sabin's and say David is setting up the ritual))
Sabin Duvert
: ((we'll post the chat and you can post the description ^^ ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((tomorrow at your convenience))
Sabin Duvert
: (((so long as you end it with them falling unconscious ^~))
: David steps out of the rune into the street, and gently lets himself in, going to the window where the moonlight streams into the room, pulling out the books, and several vials of herbs, looking them over, deciding how to best join
curseeviloctopi: the old and the new.
curseeviloctopi: *kay. Can do. Just not at 3am.)
Sabin Duvert: ((oooh I more than understand - we're tired too ^^ ))
Sabin Duvert
: ((are they at David's or Sabin's?))
: (Sabin's)
Sabin Duvert: ((Yosh ^__^ - ah, David had the things with him - got it))
Sabin Duvert
: ((To be continued?))
: (TBC)
Sabin Duvert: ((whoo ^^ ))
Samantha Blaire
: ((Good session! ))
curseeviloctopi: (Sorry for being late. Now if i can just get my own computer on the internet. X_X)
Sabin Duvert: ((heh - I understand))
Sabin Duvert
: ((Glad you showed - and you showed when we really needed ya ^^ ))
has left the room.
Sabin Duvert: ((G'night everyone! *glomps to the 2 others left ^_~ *))
: night!
curseeviloctopi: sleep well
Sabin Duvert: ((Kamiki - save a post so you can post the chat so David can respond to it))
Samantha Blaire
: okay
Sabin Duvert: Yay :-)
Sabin Duvert: G'night ^_^
Sabin Duvert
has left the room.