Sabin Duvert: *Sabin wakes up, far earlier than he would have normally liked, to an earsplitting wail. Sitting bolt upright at first - his nerves on edge and taking a sharp intake of breath his groggy mind searches for an explanation: fire alarm? No... no smell of smoke.... Some strange mythological creature breaking into his house and letting loose a peculiar wail? *his heart leapt in hope before his seneses gathering enough to remember it was most likely Gavin - his son - who he swore woke up a few minutes earlier each morning just to annoy him personally. Slowly sliding out of bed, and padding barefoot across the hall to where his son was (not) sleeping in his crib, the claws on his feet making tak-tak-tak noises on the hardwood floor. It was too early for this.
Finally, he looked down at his son, who had ceased his wailling as oon as Sabin entered the room, and now held his arms outstretched to his father, making babbling noises.
"You want up?" Sabin pieced together, lifting his son out of the crib, putting his hair and ears into harms way as they immediatly received sharp tuggings. This, Sabin had almost grown used to. The smell that soon reached his nose, however, was still something that Sabin could definatley have done without.
Barely suppressing a gag, Sabin rushed him to the changing table, cleaning him off, and replacing his diaper, deposing of the foul-smelling object as quickly as possible, summoning a shadow servant to get it out of the house where his sensitive nose wouldn't find it.
It was about this time that Sabin might have finally been deemed somewhat awake.... and a nagging feeling crept into his mind. Fishing. Why on earth would that word be hanging around his thoughts, Sabin wondered idly for a moment before it smacked him upside the head with gusto.
OF course! FIshing! He had promised Kamiki to be there early this morning that they could all go on a family fishing trip. With Mordath and PurrPurr... absent... things had been almost too quiet, and lonely. Sabin quickly, somehow managing to do so while still holding the child, dressed in some old clothes, grabbed some meat from the refridgerator, some fishing supplies, making SURE to keep Gavin far from the hooks and bait, and rushed off towards Kamiki's.

Samantha Blaire
: The door to Kamiki's house was opened, surprisingly enough, by Mai-Ly: Kamiki's asian nagah nanny. Tucked in her arms was a sleeping little taur girl. "Can I help you, Mister Sabin?" Mai-Ly asked politely.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiled to the exotic Naga* Ah! Hello Mai-Ly! As a matter of fact you can - despite the ungodly hour of the morning, could you fetch Kamiki for me? *Sabin is decked out in over-exaggerated fisherman's gear - the BIG overalls, flannel shirt, several bags around his waist, with random gear hanging off it and over stuffed - all sorts of random bait hanging off. Cans of wriggling worms, PowerBait(TM), Lures, and flies. There is a satchel on his other arm that has random foodstuffs peeking out of it, and a bandoleer of bottles around it. On his back are three fishing rods, top-notch and shiny - obviously never used. He's got BIG rubber wader-boots on that go up to his mid-calf, and Gavin held under one arm. He obviously looks like he went WAY overboard at a fishing store.
Samantha Blaire
: "Of course, Mr. Sabin," Mai bowed deeply and slythered off towards Kamiki's bedroom,motioning for Sabin to come in.

Kamiki stumbles out a few moments later, blinking, her hair a mess and her silk night dress wrinkled. "Oh, good morning, Sabin. Oh... fishing... right... god, its early. . . "

Sabin Duvert: *Sabin walked in after her, the lures hanging off of him making jingling noises, which have THOROUGHLY captured Gavin's attention, as he reaches for the shinies.*
Sabin Duvert
: Good morning, Kamiki, my love!
Samantha Blaire
: (( ))
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki ran a hand through her hair. "Morning... let me get ready..."
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki dissapears into her room, coming back minutes later decked out, remarkably, almost as over-the-top as Sabin is. However, she pulls it off a lot more sexily. Her long lavander hair is pulled up into a long ponytail; her jeans are low-riding, and tuck into rubber fishing boots that are thigh-high and look positively painted on. Her navy t-shirt is tied up, exposing her midsection and latest navel piercing. She also carries a selection of shiney new never-been-used fishing rods and a pack full of bait that slug over her shoulder and rests at her hip.
Sabin Duvert: *smiles* You look wonderfu, Kamiki!
Sabin Duvert
: And this should be a lot of fun, yes?
Samantha Blaire
: "Yes, it should!" Her eyes wander down to Gavin. "Hello there, my beautiful baby boy! How is my precious baby this morning!" she asks in exaggerated baby-talk
Sabin Duvert: *Gavin's eyes widen into a smile as he reaches for the shiny hooks hanging off of her outfit*
Samantha Blaire
: "No no, honey. Those aren't toys!"
Sabin Duvert: *This answer doesn't seem to sit well with Gavin, and his face screws up and begins to redden*
Samantha Blaire
: Kamiki shoots a look to Sabin.
Samantha Blaire: Take care of him, I'll go get Kitsumai
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin looks helpless and tries to bounce Gavin to distract him* Gavin~! It's alright - we're going to go see fishies soon! These shinies get the fishies - but can hurt you...
Samantha Blaire
: As Sabin tries to comfort Gavin, you sense something in your bag of food. You look down to see Nexus, Gavin's ever-present "gaurdian" digging into the foodstuffs.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin's eyes narrow* Hey! That's not for you! *Sabin tries to make a swatting motion*
Samantha Blaire
: Nexus pulls out a peice of chicken from the bag and flied quickly out of Sabin's range. Mew!
Sabin Duvert: *grooowls*
Samantha Blaire
: "whats up?" Kamiki asks as she comes back towards the foyer, the little mute taur trotting beside her and holding her hand.
Sabin Duvert: That little.... thing just stole some of our food!
Sabin Duvert
: you have too many pets around here, Kamiki - I don't know how you can stand so many foxes underfoot
Samantha Blaire
: "I love my pets. Anyway, Nexus isn't mine, he's Gavins."
Sabin Duvert: Well that explains it
Samantha Blaire
: "And he's just a baby. He's not really like a pet. He's more like a companion."
Sabin Duvert: mmmmm *Sabin looks at him warily* Not like Gavin could even train him yet even if he wanted to.... not that Gavin even behaves
Samantha Blaire
: Kamiki smiles and ruffles Kitsu's hair. "Well! Shall we go?"
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin nods* Definately
Sabin Duvert
: which lake?
Samantha Blaire
: The little mute taur gazes up at Sabin with big purple eyes, one finger in her mouth, and the other clutching Kamiki's free arm.
Samantha Blaire: "Hmm.... how about Bass'ken? For the kids?"
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiles widely at the little girl* Hello there, little one - are you joining us?
Sabin Duvert
: *sabin smiles and nods to Kamiki* Probably a good idea - I don't know if a chemical treatment facility would be the best anyway
Samantha Blaire
: Kitsumai smiles and nods. She's wearing a large purple ribbon for a "shirt" and has a emo back around the waist between her human and kiren torsos
Samantha Blaire: The little taur pulls out a sketchbook from her bag and flips to the latest page, pointing proudly at a crayon drawing of a fish. (at close to a fish as a toddler can really manage)
Sabin Duvert: Awwww - Kitsumai - that's right! We're going to go see some real fishies!
Sabin Duvert
: You excited?
Sabin Duvert
: *Gavin begins to get jealous of the attention, glancing ruefully towards the bright colors in her sketchbook*
Samantha Blaire
: She nods excitedly, pawing her forehoof on the floor.
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki smiles. "Isn't she adorable?"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin nods to her* Yes she is.

*Gavin meanwhile, is struggling, fussing and reaching out to her sketchbook*

No no, Gavin... I don't think you want to play with that....

Samantha Blaire
: Kitsu puts h er sketchbook away back in her purse, swatting at Gavin's reaching hands.
Sabin Duvert: well, let's get going then! *Sabin says with a wide smile, moving Gavin to sitting on his shoulders, with two big fistfulls of hair*
Samantha Blaire
: Kamiki nods, wrapping her arm around Sabin's waist and walking with him towards the lake North of Barton
Sabin Duvert: beatiful day.... if you don't mind the sun so much ^^;
Samantha Blaire
: "A tan's not going to kill you, lover."
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin pouts*
Sabin Duvert
: I dont have to like it
Samantha Blaire
: It isn't long before they get the small, pleasant lake.
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki smiled, sniffing the clean air, getting excited about this family outing
Sabin Duvert: This is going to be fun I think :-)
Samantha Blaire: ((mew, shall we continue this later? Its getting late...?))
Sabin Duvert: ((Alrightie - Save it?))