Sabin Duvert: *The day couldn't be more beautiful, Sabin thinks to himself glancing out the window. It's warm, and slightly overcast covering the otherwise bright sun. Glancing over to Gavin, who is still sleeping in his crib, Sabin smiles to himself. He doesn't often get these moments of quiet with Gavin in the house, and he's learned to treasure them. He also knows that it can't be long before the little terror awakens. But today he has plans. The last fishing trip that the family took was such a success Sabin figured that it earned a repeat performance. Besides, Sabin needed some time to get his mind off of the startling scene that he had woken up to a few weeks ago when Kamiki had.... acted strangely. He still hadn't been able to work up the courage to go speak with Sajhiri about it....
Sabin Duvert
: *He bustled about the house, getting the fishing gear together and feeding some of the animals. Right as he had finished, he heard Gavin's tell-tale wail - announcing that he was awake and wanted food, and Sabin set about to remedy that, while speaking to him with a broad smile* "Guess where we're going today, Gavin?"
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin looked up at his Daddy and started to teeth/gum the tattered jester doll, his best indication of inquiry.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin grinned, taking that as a "Wherever are we going, loving father of mine"* "Why fishing! You remember Lake Basskin? We're going to go see if we can catch some fishies for supper!"
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin looked excited, but that was mostly due to how excited his father looked. Gavin enjoyed his father muchly... and generally things that seemed to get Daddy happy ended up being fun or tastey. Or both. He giggled and swung his arms, spittle flying off the doll as he flung it around.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin wiped his face as a splatter of spittle hit it and then picked Gavin up, quickly changed his diaper, with a restrained gag, and put a very small lifejacket on Gavin with a proud smile* "There you go, Gavin! Now if you happen to fall in...." *sabin trailed off, not sure if he would be more worried for his son or the fish in the lake* "Regardless! Off we go!"
*Sabin picked him up and grabbed the fishing gear, and started walking towards Lake Bassken - deciding that a walk, and the fresh air, would be good for a walk*

Samantha Blaire
: Gavin wiggled the whole way in his arms. Ever since he had learned to walk, Gavin had gotten even more apt at getting into trouble. There was so much around that looked like it would be fun to eat/smell/pull/tear. He also soon came to the conclusion that the life jacket was not comfortable, so he began to chew on it as well once he figured Sabin wasn't letting him go until they got to where ever they were going
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin winced, trying his hardest to keep a firm-but-gentile hold on Gavin, subtly using some shadows between his arm and the child to secure him better and make sure he didn't fall. Wincing, and hoping to whatever deity might be listening, he jingled the jester at him, hoping to distract him from his jacket to chew on it and - if luck was in his favor - eventually destroy the thing with his sharpening baby teeth*

FInally, after a good hour or so of walking, they arrived at the shore of the lake. Surprisingly, there were very few other families by its shores, and Sabin sat down on a grassy expanse, setting Gavin down beside him, and pulled out his strength rod and some of the nice bait he got from the shop.

"Now Gavin.. first thing we do is put the hook on the line... and then the bait on the hook... this is so the fishie thinks that it is good food to eat instead of a hook..."

Samantha Blaire
: Gavin took the jester, chewed on it for a while, then promptly held it up and tries to stuff it in Daddy's mouth. At least he was sharing?
Samantha Blaire: Gavin sat down next his dad and watched him explain the hook and bait process. Then he tried to eat some of the bait.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin had been paying more attention to what he was doing than the jester, and suddenly found himself with a mouthfull of wet stuffed toy, and made a face, quickly covering it with a wincing smile* "Uh... thank you, Gavin..."
Sabin Duvert
: "No no! This isn't people food! You... well... I'm sure you'll figure it out for yourself" Sabin said with a small smirk as he got the bait secured to the hook and then pulled the rod back* "Then you cast it out into the water..." *he gave it a good cast* "like... this!"
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin honestly didn't seemed very phased by the bait at first. After abuot three mouthfulls however, he made a face and quickly spit out the bait from this mouth...and sending it dripping over his chin and shirt
Sabin Duvert: *sabin winced, but muffled a chuckle at the reaction, knowing well from his own upbringing that sometimes expierence was a much better teacher than a father could be, and mopped up the mess from his shirt*

"And now I reel the bait closer to me, so it moves in the water, and wait for a fishie to bite at it!"

Samantha Blaire
: Gavin watched intently, and seemed to be concentrating on something. He was particuarly looking at Sabin's face and mouth.
Sabin Duvert: And then... we wait... *sabin reeled slowly, slowly,,,, and it came back to shore. A frown twitched at Sabin's mouth, but then he shrugged and smiled to Gavin* "Nothing this cast... so we try again!" *Sabin cast the rod back into the water
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin's dual-colored eyes watched the bait swing out into the water. For some reason, he seemed very engrossed in this topic.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin reeled in slowly, keeping his eyes on the moving shadows in the water.... maybe... maybe this time... he would catch one of the reputed "legendary" fish of the lake.... Then... as if the wish had took form itself, he saw a very very large shadow move towards the bait - dwarfing some of the smaller ripples that must be guppies or bass... and then - ZING! the bobber got pulled hard beneath the surface, and suddenly the rod went pulling hard to the left. Sabin quickly got to a crouch, using his weight and the strength that belyed his average build. His attention was on the fish, and his muscles were taut.... this was it... this was his chance...
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin's eyes widened, and he began to bounce up a down, waving his arms and making supportive "cheering" noises for his Daddy
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiled, feeling very Important, and the pressure mounted - not only was he fighting to bring in one of the BIG fish of Bassken - surely a tale to tell for quite some time to all his friends - but he was in front of his son. He concentrated, trying to ancipite the fish's movements, trying to wear it down, bring it in slowly... and then... just as he almost saw the top of its fin breaking the water nearby - almost close enough to reach out and grab, it made a hard dart to his left, and the line snapped. Sabin's eyes widened, and before he even gave thought to his words, they came out "GodDammit!!! That's not possible! It was this Fucking CLOSE!!!"
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin squealed in delight, very amused by his father's exasperated and exaggerated motions and words. "Fuh-ing cwose, Dada!"
Sabin Duvert: *The feelings of anger and misfortune were soon replaced quickly with shock as he turned to his son wide-eyed. His first words! He was there! He called him "dada"... and then... cold, seeping fear as his brain caught up with him and he caught the rest of what his "darling infant son" had just said.... his first words.... ooohhh noooo....* Gavin...? *sabin said hesitantly, not sure whether to be exuberant or distraught... and then, decided, maybe, if he focued on the "Dada" part, Gavin would never repeat the first part..." You called me "Dada!" *he said with a wide smile, picking him up and lifting him into the air*
Samantha Blaire
: "Gwad dammeet!"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin's face fell as he heard that... why.... why... the first words... why those words?!?!* Gavin.... honey? I... wow... It's wonderful... you're talking! But... noo... why those words..? Those aren't polite words, baby...
Samantha Blaire
: "Bah-bee Gah-bin!" Gavin said excitedly, taking Sabin's sudden interest in him as meaning he must be doing something good!
Sabin Duvert: *sabin smiled widely* Yes~! Yes! You are baby gavin! *sabin said, his voice quickly changing to the baby-talk that grownups seem to automatically know*
Samantha Blaire
: "Da da no cath the fuh-ing fishie?"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin winced* "You.. wow... you have been listening to mama and me all this time, haven't you... you've been so quiet.. you must have been listening - now you're speaking so much! I was worried about you - so quiet... and now here you are saying all sorts of things..." ^^;; "But no... dada missed the fish.... "
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin smiled. Indeed he HAD been observing. Observing was actually something he was naturally gifted at, though the full extent to HOW good he was wouldn't manifest for a time. For the current, Gavin had a pretty dencent grasp on vocabulary. Just getting the words out right was the challenge. "da fuh-king fishie, Dada? Wos does mean, Dada?"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin boggled at the child's grasp of the grammar. but winced at the words* Gavin... uhm... you shouldn't say that word.... uhm... that's a daddy word...
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin pouted.
Sabin Duvert: Uhm... it's.. ah.. not polite... it's actually very offensive... Daddy was just... uhm... frustrated... that was a very hard fish to catch... and I almost had him...
Samantha Blaire
: "oh tay"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin smiled with relief*
Sabin Duvert
: Hey! Let's go show mamma! She'll be so excited that you are talking!
Samantha Blaire
: "Mama!"
Samantha Blaire: Gavin lifted his arms, wanting to be picked up
Sabin Duvert: *sabin picked him up with a smile, grabbing the tackle as an afterthought* You're really getting big, Gavin! You're almost a big boy!
Samantha Blaire
: "Bih boy?"
Sabin Duvert: Yis! big boy! You're growing quickly! You're almost as big as some of the other GMFC kids!
Samantha Blaire
: "Gemefshie"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin laughs with a big smile* Yes! Gemefshie
Sabin Duvert
: *Sabin carries him, a smile on his face, and really starting to chatter, the light in his eyes, and he has to keep himself from gesticulating too much and dropping him, as he walks to Kamiki's*
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin giggled and held onto Sabin, eyes wandering around; blurting out any words of items he happens to know.
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki was sunbathing in her backyard, a pile of paperwork on the ground beside her forgotten.
Sabin Duvert: *sabin was encouraging to it, and as he spotted Kamiki, Sabin got a devilish grin and put a finger to his mouth as a bit of his own mischiviousness built.* Shh - be quiet - we'll sneak up on her!
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin buried his face in Sabin's neck, stifling a giggle, picking up on Sabin's air of mischeiviousness
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin mentally cast a quick silence spell on his footsteps, and crouched down, sneaking forward, creeping up behind the sunbathing Kamiki*
Samantha Blaire
: Kamiki was laying on her back wearing nothing but a very (very) small bikini, cucumbers over her eyes, and a sun mirror resting on her cleavage. Completely oblivious to Sabin or Gavin's presence
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin stared for a few moments at her exposed skin, and then grinned when he saw the cuccumbers, knowing she wouldn't be able to see him. Then, with a grin, when he was nearly up nextx to her, he jumped up, still holding Gavin, exclaiming quite loudly: "Hiii~ Kamiki!!!"
Samantha Blaire
: Kamiki flew up, arms flailing and probably whopping Sabin's pretty good. "What the ~" she exclaimed, the cucumbers falling off her face as she sat up. Her silver tail had it hairs standing on ends and her ears pricked high
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin grabbed for his nose, making a pitiful noise as he caught a hand, and trying to slow the blood, a trickle of a blackish-gray whispy substance running down between his fingers*
Sabin Duvert
: 'ado kumiki...
Samantha Blaire
: "SABIN! Oh my god, are you okay??"
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin winces a smile and sets Gavin down*
Samantha Blaire
: "I'm so sorry, honey.." then her attention went to Gavin. "Hi. baby!!" she cooed to him as she took him in her arms
Sabin Duvert: Okay... mebbe dat wadn't such a gud ider...
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin looked to his father, as if wondering if he should show Mommy his new trick.
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiled and nodded to Gavin with a wink*
Samantha Blaire
: "Ma-ma! Dada no catch da fuh-ing fishie!"
Samantha Blaire: "OH MY GOD, Gavin you.." Kamiki's eye twitched. " --- WHAT?? O_O "
Sabin Duvert: *sabin's face fell and he felt the horror creep back into his bones* <Ohhh noooo> *and he winced, suddenly wishing that Kamiki's fist had knocked him out*
Samantha Blaire
: Gavin's wailing laughter filled the air and Kamiki leveled her angry gaze on Sabin
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin turned a scared, sheepish look back to Kamiki* Uhm... de spoke...?
Samantha Blaire
: "I know.. " she turned her attention to Gavin and spoke it baby-talk "and Gavin's sucj a good boy! You said Ma-ma!.." then back to Sabin. "But where did he learn THOSE words, SabiN?!"
Sabin Duvert: *sabin opened and closed his mouth a few times and gesticulated* I... uhm... who knows -- eheheh... kids nowadays, huh?
Samantha Blaire
: -.-
Samantha Blaire: Kamiki's anger toward's Gavin quickly faded away as she turned her attention back to Gavin, how in turn began to show off all the new things he learned. It wasn;t long before tears started to roll down Kamiki's face, her hand reaching out to take Sabin's
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin smiled, squeezing Kamiki's hand, and looking proudly onto his son... their son.*