Sabin Duvert: ((you set the scene :3 ))
Kamiki1013: *Kamiki knocked at Sabin's door. She knew she shouldn't be nervous. Sabin had told her about his "condition" before - but she had never really fully seen it. When they made love, he would slip alittle. Exposing six eyes and some trace features - like claws and fangs. But that's nothing to watching your lover tear into another human being. She shuddered and tried to compose herself. She was expecting his child... and that was an issue they had spent too precious little time talking about. Kamiki had been so obsessed with Purrpurr's well being she had barely given her future much heed- except for esstential care such as no more drinking (which she really hated) and eating more. *
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin has been holed up in his room for most of the past few days. He's brought forth a part of him that he has kept barried for far too long... or not long enough. He was happy that Mordath was back, and feeling better... but he had left again by himself just a day or two ago... leaving behind a very bague note, and his new shadowy familiar, Tslanak. He looked up with the knock and winced... he'd not had company since the Arkoth battle... he set down his tumbler and pulled in the extra features, and walked towards the door, peering out. Seeing Kamiki through the eye hole he took a breath, remembering her shocked expression, yelling at him after he and PurrPurr had had the... argument... and the state of mind he had been in... Slowly, he chided himself for not being able to hide forever, and having to face her unless he wanted things to turn sour. With a hesitant sigh he pulled open the door. He looks like a mess - his hair is dissheveled, and his eyes look more red than usual. there is also the distinct scent of alcohol on his breath. with a hesitant look he forces a smile. "Hello... Kamiki..."
Kamiki1013: Some of her nervousness melted away as she saw him - she had missed him and was happy to see him. She smiled. "Hello, Sabin..."
Sabin Duvert: *his face relaxed into more of a smile seeing her like this* Kamiki... it's... good to see you... I... *he scratched his arm* I was worried you might not come back.
Kamiki1013: *her hand unconsciously went to her stomach. For the first time since she found out she was pregnant Kamiki was not wearing any clothing to hide or minimize her growth* May I come in?
Sabin Duvert: *he glanced at her stomach, a firm reminder of how negligant his absence had been... he had a child... a real child.. on the way.... his mind went to Eric and Alex... separated by god knew how much distance... He opened the door and gestured inside to the living room* Of course.... please...
Kamiki1013: *Kamiki entered and then turned to face him, watching his reactions, trying to see how he felt.* "How are you?"
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin closed the door softly behind her and went to sit on one of the couches, a heavy and guilty-looking expression* I... have been better, honeslty
Kamiki1013: *she went and sat down next to him* I
Kamiki1013: I'm sorry...
Kamiki1013: How's Mordath doing?
Sabin Duvert: *he nods* He's doing much better... I... I think he's had a lot on his mind, too.
Kamiki1013: *she nods, Purr having told her alot.*
Sabin Duvert: I.... *he sighs again, trying to put words to his feelings* I'm sorry you had to see that...
Kamiki1013: *she took a deep breath* Its okay - you warned me
Kamiki1013: I knew it would probably happen eventually...
Sabin Duvert: *he shrugged* Still.... I... I haven't done anything like that in a long...looong time....
Sabin Duvert: I... i thought that part of me was .... more settled by now... but I just have had no reason to bring it forward
Kamiki1013: And hopefully no reason for another long time..? *she reached over and took his hand*
Sabin Duvert: *he smiled softly, taking her hand in his... it was warm and soft... and comforting* I hope not...
Kamiki1013: *She smiled and scooted a bit closer* Guess what?
Sabin Duvert: *he looked up at her curiously* what?
Kamiki1013: "Its a boy!" she exclaimed, unable to hide the excitement behind her voice
Sabin Duvert: *Sabin's eyes found their light and a grin found his face* A... boy? Really?
Kamiki1013: *she nodded again, placing his hands on her stomach*
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles softly, some of the darker thoughts fleeing from his mind at the warmpth and glow of her stomach* He's in there... my son...
Kamiki1013: *Kamiki is undeniably excited, probably for the first time since she heard the news* "You.. have children, yes?"
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles, and then nods a bit sadly* Yes... I had two children... a twin boy and girl.... but... I was separated from them when I came to Gaia
Kamiki1013: What were they like?
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles nostalgically and leans back a bit* Samantha had twins - a girl and a boy. Eric - my son - he took after me a lot - curious, interested in myths and stories and adventure... he had his mother's curls.... Alexandria...our daughter ... initially she very much wanted to be normal... she dyed her hair, and didn't spend much time with us.... but... as she grew she really was a loving daughter...
Sabin Duvert: They were older by the time I left... in their 50's... but... they aged slowly...
Kamiki1013: I see..
Kamiki1013: I bet you were a great father..
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles softly, flattered* I hope so
Kamiki1013: You're... excited about him, right?
Sabin Duvert: Yes! Of course I am!
Kamiki1013: I mean, I know it was kind of unexpected..
Sabin Duvert: I... I mean yes it was unexpected... but... I am looking forward to it.. raising a child with you..
Kamiki1013: *she smiles happily and learns forward to hug him*
Kamiki1013: Its all coming so fast - y a know?
Sabin Duvert: *he nods, patting her knee* This... is your first pregnancy...
Kamiki1013: Yeah..
Kamiki1013: Have you told Mordath?
Sabin Duvert: *he shakes his head with a wince* Things have been so crazy recently.... I haven't had time...
Sabin Duvert: I hope he doesn't feel like he's being replaced...
Kamiki1013: heh... I know how you feel...
Kamiki1013: when I found out... it was right when Purrpurr's illness was taking a turn for the worst..
Kamiki1013: and Morion had just dissapeared...
Sabin Duvert: *he nods carefully* That would have been hard
Kamiki1013: She knows now... heh... a good lesson I suppose right before Prom...
Kamiki1013: Did you tell me where you come from Prom is where a lot of teenage pregnancies come from?
Sabin Duvert: *quirks his eyebrows curiously for a moment before a dawn of realization* O-Oh!
Kamiki1013: Heh.. *scratches her arm* I guess we haven't been the best role models, eh?
Sabin Duvert: *he winces* I suppose not... but then I was surprised to adopt Mordath when Anya came to us looking for surrogate parents...
Sabin Duvert: Not that I have regretted it for a moment
Kamiki1013: *nods* We were lucky enough to miss the thing, tho
Kamiki1013: I don
Kamiki1013: t think we'll be so lucky this time around ^_~
Sabin Duvert: *nods, and smiles with a small chuckle* that's true...
Kamiki1013: Have.. you thought of names at all?
Sabin Duvert: Names? wow... I... *shakes his head* I dunno
Kamiki1013: Well, we have alittle bit of time to think about it...
Sabin Duvert: *he nods with a smile* This is true
Sabin Duvert: Will he take my surname...? I mean... you... don't have one really do you?
Kamiki1013: Not too much tho ^^;

Kamiki1013: Oh, I guess so. No, I've never had a last name
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles simply* Do you know when you're due?
Kamiki1013: Soon. ^^ Unfortunately the magic and life energy levels are so unstable here I can't calculate an actual date...
Sabin Duvert: Wow.... interesting - that plays a part of it?
Kamiki1013: *nods* Very much so...
Sabin Duvert: *he blinks, stopping as if thinking about this for the first time.* Of course... the magic levels.... *he shakes his head* It was very hard for us to conceive where I was from... the magic was very low... and I'm not exactly human.... but... this child... what do you think he will be like given his parentage?
Kamiki1013: I don't know... a black kitsune maybe?
Sabin Duvert: *he chuckles, but with some worry behind it*
Kamiki1013: whats wrong?
Sabin Duvert: I just... well.... My nature has been tempered.... I've told you the story before.... but I don't know how.... my anju nature might affect a child of mine.. from an area of such high magic to allow for stranger births
Kamiki1013: I see...
Kamiki1013: Maybe... I don't know. I'm sure he'll be perfect...
Sabin Duvert: *he smiles softly* I'm looking forward to meeting the little fellow
Kamiki1013: Really? I'm glad... I was kind of worried..
Sabin Duvert: *he leans forward, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace*
Kamiki1013: *she leans into it, amused by the distance caused by her buldging belly*